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Re: Windows 7 review from an Ubuntu users perspective

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____/ nessuno on Tuesday 29 Sep 2009 16:46 : \____

> On Sep 29, 4:51 am, SomeBloke <st...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I found this when I was idly surfing. The reviewer apparently doesn't use
>> windows and comes at Windows 7 from a different angle that most of us do
>> I suspect.
>> Enjoy!
>> http://www.psy-q.ch/blog/articles/2009/09/13/win7-review-from-free-software-activist/
>> --
>> I'm always kind, polite and reasonable....  except when I'm not.
> Thanks for the link.  The reviewer obviously went to a lot of
> trouble.  He even posted various corrections and amendments.
> There are so many reviews of Linux from a Windows user's standpoint,
> it is refreshing to see one going the other way.

The original article compares it to what already exists, KDE4. Vista is not
out yet.

KDE4 is an outstanding environment (I use 4.3.1). Maybe Vista 8 will have caught up
with KDE4, but KDE5 might be out by that stage.

Got to give Microsoft credit... at least they are /trying/.

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | "This sig seemed like a good idea at the time..."
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