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[News] Microsoft and 'Friends' Rub Shoulder with Their #1 Competitor

  • Subject: [News] Microsoft and 'Friends' Rub Shoulder with Their #1 Competitor
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 02 Oct 2009 07:38:43 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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Will Friction Between Microsoft and Open-Source Community Cause Flames?

,----[ Quote ]
| For its part, the FSF has spent the summer alternately blasting individuals and 
| groups for and warning them against using or adopting technologies distributed 
| or even invented by Microsoft. For instance, the FSF this summer launched a 
| Website devoted to cataloging the "sins" of Windows 7 and has weighed in on 
| multiple occasions as to why, despite what Microsoft promises, no open-source 
| developer should code in Microsoft's C#.
| Not everyone involved in open source agrees with the stance and strategy of the 
| FSF, however. Canonical, the company that sponsors Ubuntu Linux, has rebuffed 
| demands that Ubuntu remove Mono and Mono-based applications from its default 
| install, and many individual open-source community membersâincluding Linux 
| founder Linus Torvaldsâhave decried the demonization of Microsoft.


Groklaw on Miguel

,----[ Quote ]
| For one thing, PJ has a bit of experience dealing with such nastiness. The irony 
| of course is that she gained it while investigating SCOs attacks on Linux, and 
| will probably be using it for Team Mono and Friends attacks on Freedom now! 
| Thereâs a certain symmetry to that, I think.
| Another thing is that Iâve noticed that the pro-Mono attacks are looking a bit 
| faded lately.
| I guess thatâs what happens when you keep attacking honest people truly 
| interested in Freedom and your basic weapons are ad hominem and disinformation.



On Mono, Miguel, Stallman and Fusion with Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| In short, Perlow attacked the man for something he
| didn't say. He never said not to use Mono. Nor is Mono
| even necessary for interoperability with Microsoft. I
| note Microsoft is letting Intel port Silverlight
| instead of Mono to Moblin. Surprise, Miguel. Ah, the
| joys and surprises of partnering with Microsoft. He
| will drink that cup to the full, no doubt, before this
| saga is done. Why would you want Silverlight on
| Moblin? I can't imagine one good reason, personally,
| but the fact that Intel and Microsoft want it to happen
| may even be part of what's behind the new push to tell
| us we must use both Windows and Linux and stop being so
| prissy about it. I note that in Perlow's article on how
| he can't live without Windows on the desktop, Why I Can
| Never Be Exclusive to Linux and Open Source on the
| Desktop,
| [...]
| I hate to burst people's bubbles, but it was just last
| week that Microsoft sold, or tried to sell, to patent
| trolls some 22 patents that could be used against
| Linux. Caught with its pants down when OIN ended up
| with them instead and told the world all about it,
| Microsoft quickly announced the Codeplex Foundation,
| which Perlow calls an open source nonprofit but which
| actually could more accurately be called Microsoft's
| Push-Mono-Down-Your-Throat foundation, now that Sam
| Ramji has announced that giving Mono more "credibility"
| is the goal. This is the star to guide you if you wish
| to be "pragmatic" and "compromise" also. I suggest you
| read Andy Updegrove's understated but -- to me,
| hilarious -- analysis of the legal structure of the
| Codeplex Foundation.
| [...]
| And I have a question for those who tell us we have to
| compromise and use both proprietary Microsoft software
| and FOSS. If the purpose of Open Source was nothing
| more than making money as a Microsoft partner, you tell
| me -- what was it all for? Why not just use Microsoft
| software, then, and call it good? No. Really. What was
| FOSS developed for, if that is the end result, a
| Microsoft-FOSS fusion? Why even bother? The idea was to
| provide something better, an alternative, one that was
| totally free of proprietary restrictions, so that it
| would be you who control your own computer. And that is
| exactly what Microsoft can't ever offer you.


Software Freedom Day in Boston

,----[ Quote ]
| Miguel de Icaza âis basically a traitor to the Free
| Software communityâ This was in response to my question
| about the new Microsoft âOpen Sourceâ labs. He went on to
| say that Miguelâs involvement in the project doesnât give
| much confidence as he is a Microsoft apologist. The project
| looks to be concerned with permitting âOpen Sourceâ
| programs to work on the Windows platform and thus divert
| valuable developer time away from free platforms such as
| Gnu/Linux.
| Mono framework is not so much of a problem, but C#
| shouldnât be used in core apps as legal problems would be
| hard to work around. Recommends uninstalling any apps using
| C#.


Mono and .NET

,----[ Quote ]
| MonoDevelop is going to be the âEclipse of the .NET communityâ, Mr. De
| Icaza tells us. Putting aside the obvious jokes, I think this is
| another good illustration of how the entire focus of Team Mono is â and
| must be â on conforming to .NET.
| Hereâs one of the highlights on the new MonoDevelop release:
| âMonoDevelop can be used to develop ASP.NET MVC applications on OSX and
| Linux and Silverlight applications on OSX and Linux.â
| Thatâs just what I was saying Linux needed the other day: more
| Silverlight applications. In fact, I was discussing how promoting
| Silverlight development in no way whatsoever helps Microsoft lock-in,
| and quite the contrary actually encourages the spread of software
| freedom under every definition known to mankind. Because it is
| Microsoft that is internationally recognized for leverging its
| considerable power to promote user freedom and interoperability through
| its file formats and development technologies we absolutely need more
| of that being produced in the Linux world, which tends to use
| proprietary and obscured formats and languages
| So MonoDevelop is a big win there. Congratulations.



Oh Miguel...

,----[ Quote ]
| I just hope it's a better kind of help than C#, OOXML, and a barely-working
| Silverlight clone. Unless you have some grand scheme for making software
| patents go away?
| Miguel, you're a smart person and I respect what you've done. But your
| current infatuation with All Things Microsoft is, frankly, scaring me and a
| lot of other people. I didn't switch to Linux so I could have Microsoft
| technologies in my face.


Above my Pay Grade: Miguel de Icaza and the Novell-Microsoft Agreement

,----[ Quote ]
| What's this about pay-grade? It's a military term, often misappropriated by
| civilians who are avoiding an ethical decision. It's a good excuse in the
| military: politicians are accountable for the decision to enter a war, while
| the military are oath-bound to follow orders at pain of court-martial and
| possibly execution, and are only accountable for the conduct of the war. But
| Miguel is no soldier. He's the founder of a company previously merged into
| Novell, and would not be subject to treason charges or capital punishment
| over this issue. Others, like Jeremy Allison, chose to leave the company
| while Miguel stayed.


The unholy quad: Miguel, Mono, Moonlight and Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| Nevertheless, this Usenet conversation has some points of interest. It
| illustrates again the way in which de Icaza, who by all accounts is a man
| with a very high IQ, refuses to look down the line and draw reasonable
| conclusions.
| When asked "To what degree do you trust Microsoft, either in terms of their
| promises; their motivations; or their commitment to a competing platform like
| Linux?" he chooses to trivialise the question by responding "This is a
| question that is suitable for Teen magazine or Cosmo."


Miguel does a backflip on patent licensing deal

,----[ Quote ]
| I haven't laughed as loud and as long as I did this morning when I read that
| Miguel de Icaza has now started criticising the patent licensing deal which
| his employer Novell signed with Microsoft in November 2006.
| he Pope has turned Anglican. John McCain has become a Democrat. Fidel Castro
| has sworn off Communism.
| Whenever de Icaza does something, there is always a good reason. But like all
| people who flip through 180 degrees, de Icaza generally does not reveal such
| reasons.


,----[ Quote ]
| However, De Icaza is being disengenious. Consider this remark of his just 15
| months ago:
| http://tirania.org/blog/archive/2006/Nov-04.html
| "Why did you guys work this deal with Microsoft?
| Although I did not take part of the actual negotiations, and was only told
| about this deal less than a week before the announcement, I had been calling
| for a long time for a collaboration between Microsoft and Open Source and
| Microsoft and Novell.
| There are numerous interviews that touch on this topic and most recently my
| interview in Microsoft's Port25
| In the past I had called for this same kind of cooperation with other
| companies. "
| [...]
| So, the question arises: Why is De Icaza criticizing the "deal" now? What's
| changed? The terms of Icaza's employment? His salary? His VP status? His
| duties? GNOME's GPL status?
| It's time De Icaza comes clean.


,----[ Quote ]
| Scoble: "I saw that internally inside Microsoft many times when I was told to
| stay away from supporting Mono in public. They reserve the right to sue."


MIX - Novell's de Icaza criticizes Microsoft patent deal

,----[ Quote ]
| Open-source pioneer and Novell Vice President Miguel de Icaza Thursday for
| the first time publicly slammed his company's cross-patent licensing
| agreement with Microsoft as he defended himself against lack of patent
| protection for third parties that distribute his company's Moonlight project,
| which ports Microsoft's Silverlight technology to Linux.
| Speaking on a panel at the MIX 08 conference in Las Vegas, de Icaza said that
| Novell has done the best it could to balance open-source interests with
| patent indemnification. However, if he had his way, the company would have
| remained strictly open source and not gotten into bed with Microsoft. Novell
| entered into a controversial multimillion dollar cross-patent licensing and
| interoperability deal with Microsoft in November 2006.
| "I'm not happy about the fact that such an agreement was made, but [the
| decision] was above my pay grade; I think we should have stayed with the
| open-source community," de Icaza said. He was speaking on a panel that also
| included representatives from Microsoft and open-source companies Mozilla and
| Zend.
| [...]
| De Icaza shot back that it was "unfair" of Schroepfer to paint Novell as the
| only company protected by patent covenants, as many companies have signed
| licensing agreements not only with Microsoft, but also with other companies
| such as IBM that have a large patent portfolio.
| [...]
| The choice has drawn ire from open-source diehards who were displeased with
| Novellâs decision to sign a cross-licensing agreement with Microsoft in the
| first place. A Web site called âBoycott Novellâ decried Moonlight as a
| Microsoft âpet projectâ and criticized the companyâs decision not to port
| Silverlight to Linux itself.

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