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[News] [Rival] Australia's Government Microsoft Scandal in Detail

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Australia's Government Microsoft Scandal in Detail
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 03 Oct 2009 21:29:22 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Microsoft controlling Govt 2.0 funds

,----[ Quote ]
| The Government 2.0 Taskforce yesterday released a 
| draft contract for those receiving money from its 
| Project Fund, which revealed that any funding 
| contracts will be between successful bidders and 
| Microsoft, not the Commonwealth.
| The Project Fund was used by the Taskforce to fund 
| initiatives that will provide input into its final 
| report and building up government agency "web 2.0 
| capabilities". The Taskforce has already asked for 
| two rounds of project submissions.
| Yet the government has only now revealed that the 
| funding arrangements must be made via Microsoft. It 
| needed to be so because the taskforce was not a 
| legal entity and money was pulled from the Project 
| Fund, according to the government â a partnership 
| with Microsoft that used funds from a special 
| Service Provision Fund.


BECTA under pressure too:

Becta Launches New Community Website To Support Schools Using Open Source Software

,----[ Quote ]
| Schools can now get help from a new community 
| website to help them decide whether open source 
| software might offer benefits for them.



OpenAustralia Community

,----[ Quote ]
| With Rob's permission I have forwarded on his email (attached) here.
| Yesterday, I discovered that any vendor that gets money from the
| Government 2.0 Taskforce has to sign a contract with Microsoft. The
| reason, as I understand it, is a little long-winded, but basically
| Microsoft and the government had a deal where Microsoft would give the
| government software and in return the government would give Microsoft
| money and some fraction of that money would go in to a fund which
| could then be later used by the government.
| The money that the taskforce has to give out comes out of that
| Microsoft fund. So, to gain access to the money the vendors have to
| sign a contract with Microsoft. On the face of it, fair enough, sort
| of.
| Yesterday, the taskforce published a draft contract with Microsoft on
| their website: http://gov2.net.au/files/2009/09/Government-2-0-Service-Provider-Agmt...
| Below are Rob's comments. Later today, I'll add my comments which I'll
| send to the taskforce as well as this list.


Microsoft whole-of-government deal sealed

,----[ Quote ]
| THE federal Government hopes to save at least $15 million per annum over four
| years through a new whole-of-government arrangement with Microsoft Australia.

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