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[News] (GNU/)Linux Mint Captures More Former Windows Users

  • Subject: [News] (GNU/)Linux Mint Captures More Former Windows Users
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 05 Oct 2009 16:59:01 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Linux Mint

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux Mint addresses lots of problems that kept people on the 
| Microsoft habit.   Having to mount the drives.  The single 
| click launching of programs.   The hassle of installing 
| programs.  Linux Mintâs installs are less painful than 
| Microsoft.  As of yet there are not lots of garbage shareware 
| programs you âmust installâ so you can get some other feature.



Linux Mint 7 XFCE: Screenshots

,----[ Quote ]
| While Ubuntu continues to be the focus of Linux hype and
| momentum, there is an increasing number of Ubuntu-based
| distributions appearing as well.


Linux Mint 7 XFCE released

,----[ Quote ]
| The developers note that the Deluge BitTorrent Client has been replaced by
| Transmission and that the VLC Media Player, Tomboy, Samba, Vim and all of the
| old artwork has been removed to save space.


Linux Mint 7 'Gloria' Now with XFCE 4.6.0

,----[ Quote ]
| Clement Lefebvre has announced the release of the Linux Mint 7 "Gloria" XFCE
| edition, a community-maintained modification of the standard Linux Mint
| distribution that uses the XFCE desktop environment by default. There are a
| lot of changes in this new version, and, among the base packages, you will
| find the Linux 2.6.28 kernel, Xorg 7.4 and XFCE 4.6.


Linux Mint 7 XFCE Review

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux Mint 7 XFCE really does mix together the stability of the Ubuntu 9.04
| base, Linux Mint 7 features and beauty, along with quickness of XFCE to
| create a powerful, full featured, desktop thatâs fast and light enough to
| run on older hardware.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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