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[News] Bioinformatics Builds on GNU/Linux and Hadoop

  • Subject: [News] Bioinformatics Builds on GNU/Linux and Hadoop
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 05 Oct 2009 17:39:43 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Bioinformatics, Genomes, EC2, and Hadoop

,----[ Quote ]
| Built on top of a 64-bit Ubuntu distribution, the JCVI 
| Cloud Bio-Linux gives scientists the ability to launch EC2 
| instances chock-full of the latest bioinformatics packages 
| including BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool), 
| glimmer (Microbial Gene-Finding System), hmmer (Biosequence 
| Analysis Using Profile Hidden Markov Models), phylip 
| (Phylogeny Inference Package), rasmol (Molecular 
| Visualization) genespring (statistical analysis, data 
| mining, and visualization tools), clustalw (general purpose 
| multiple sequence alignment), the Celera Assembler (de novo 
| whole-genome shotgun DNA sequence assembler), and the NIH 
| EMBOSS utilities. The Celera Assembler can be used to 
| assemble entire bacterial genome sequences on Amazon EC2 
| today! 


The View from HadoopWorld

,----[ Quote ]
| All in all? An excellent show, one well worth my time. My 
| only parting suggestion â besides not doing it on a Friday 
| â would be to arrange power strips for the show. Itâs kind 
| of tough to write it up on a dying battery. Otherwise, 
| congrats to the organizers and the speakers: very well 
| done.



Cloudera is to Hadoop as Kleenex is to facial tissues?

,----[ Quote ]
| Cloudera is clearing making a credible play to become the commercial brand
| associated with Apache Hadoop.  Not only did Hadoop founder Doug Cutting
| recently join Cloudera from Yahoo!, Cloudera is set to announce the inaugural
| Hadoop World Conference, scheduled for October 2nd in NYC.  The conference is
| being organized by Cloudera founder Christophe Bisciglia with sponsorship
| from Yahoo!, IBM, Intel, eHarmony and Booz Allen Hamilton.  The tentative
| agenda has presentations from, amongst others, Cloudera, Yahoo!, Facebook,
| IBM, Microsoft, eBay, Visa, About.com, NYTimes and JPMorganChase.


The dawn of a new Cloudera

,----[ Quote ]
| Given the current economic outlook itâs great to see a new open source
| start-up rearing its head, and the list of founders indicates that this one
| has a good chance of survival. While VentureBeat is focused on the fact that
| Ex-Google, Yahoo, and Facebook employees are on the team, my eye was caught
| by the fact that Mike Oslon, Sleepycat Software founder and former CEO has
| been tempted out of semi-retirement.


Cloudera hangs (more) elephants in sky

,----[ Quote ]
| Cloudera - the commercial Hadoop outfit - has launched beta
| programs for running its stuffed elephant distro on the sky-high
| compute services run by Rackspace and SoftLayer.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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