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[News] Large-scale Free(dom) Software Migrations Noted by Linux Journal

  • Subject: [News] Large-scale Free(dom) Software Migrations Noted by Linux Journal
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 09 Oct 2009 11:42:03 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Open Source Continues To Spread Through Official Circles

,----[ Quote ]
| In the last several years, governments â and 
| particularly those in Europe â have been snapping 
| up Open Source alternatives like little old 
| ladies at Loehmann's. The push towards Open 
| continued this week as the Dutch police ditched 
| Windows for the rosy cap.
| [...]
| Choosing Linux is part of a recent policy change 
| by the Dutch police â according to the new 
| directive, the service will select only Open 
| Source options for its technology needs. 
| Likewise, a vow to work to advance Open Source 
| and open standards was recently made by the Dutch 
| Minister of Internal Affairs. Reportedly, the 
| shift was the result of the severe criticism 
| received after the organization requested 30,000 
| Windows systems at the beginning of the year.


Could Your Open Source Project Support a Business?

,----[ Quote ]
| Therefore, to have an open source software 
| business, you need to find a type of software 
| where there are people who need the source code 
| and where there are people who would pay for out 
| of the box features, stability, ease of use, and 
| support. We think weâve found it with business 
| applications software, such as ERP and CRM 
| software. Virtually all ERP software, even multi-
| million dollar commercial packages, must be 
| customized, so our users will appreciate having 
| access to the code. Ease of use, stability, out-
| of-the-box features, and support are things that 
| business users are used to paying for as well. It 
| was this thinking which led us to create the 
| opentaps Open Source ERP + CRM business 
| applicaitons suite.


Days ago:

German City MÃnster Launches Pilot Project For its Schools To Adopt Open Source Software

,----[ Quote ]
| At the moment, teachers are trying out OpenOffice in
| two schools. The suite will be made available to all
| schools in November 2009. "We plan to make OpenOffice
| the default office application for schools", said
| Citeq's spokesperson Stefan Schoenfelder.
| During September 2009, the city reported that 140 of
| its 360 servers are running GNU/Linux. In a press
| statement published on 23 September 2009, Citeq
| stated that using open source is making it easier for
| the departments to share information.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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