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[News] Linux at the Centre of Another Hypervisor

  • Subject: [News] Linux at the Centre of Another Hypervisor
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2009 09:45:54 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Parallels puts together public cloud enabling hypervisor

,----[ Quote ]
| In a private cloud a systems 
| administrator might typically be care-
| taking no more than 30 to 100 users, but 
| in a public cloud the ratio of admin to 
| end-user may be one to several tens of 
| thousands, so automation support is very 
| important, he explained.
| âOur bare metal hypervisor is built with 
| a stripped down Linux kernel and 
| therefore supports a wide variety of 
| hosts, and is fully unified with the 
| container product line," he said.


Linux Server Management: Five Signs You're Doing It Wrong

,----[ Quote ]
| Postulate: if you cannot tell a server 
| (be it physical or virtual) to reinstall 
| itself, then simply walk away knowing it 
| will reload and return to full service, 
| you are doing it wrong. Every network 
| service, configuration file, and setting 
| required for a server to function, 
| absolutely must be automated and 
| configured in your configuration 
| management system.



Wind River brings a hypervisor to embedded systems

,----[ Quote ]
| We most associate hypervisors and virtualization with servers from their
| beginnings as tools for development and testing, through their widespread
| adoption as a means to reduce the number of physical servers needed, to their
| current stage as a foundation for dynamic IT architectures. Virtualization on
| the client side has been more of a niche  although application virtualization
| continues to grow in importance and some specific uses, such as running
| Windows applications on Macs, have proven quite popular.


Hypervisor targets embedded multi-core

,----[ Quote ]
| Wind River announced the availability of its long-awaited virtualization
| technology for networking and industrial embedded systems. Wind River
| Hypervisor supports Intel and PowerPC multi-core processors running Wind
| River Linux and VxWorks, and will eventually support other chip architectures
| and operating systems (OSes), says the company.

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