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Open Source Could Have Saved Ontario Hundreds of Millions
,----[ Quote ]
| "Ontario's auditor-general released a
| blistering report this week detailing how
| successive governments threw away a billion
| dollars developing an integrated electronic
| medical record system. This CBC article
| highlights an open source system developed at
| McMaster University that is already used by
| hundreds of doctors in Ontario. As one of the
| developers points out, 'we don't have very
| high-priced executives and consultants,' some
| of whom cost Ontario taxpayers $2,700 per
| day."
Ontario LinuxFest 2008
,----[ Quote ]
| This was the second year of Ontario LinuxFest. With a better venue, more
| attendees, and a slate of excellent speakers with fascinating topic matter,
| the second year was even better than the first. When the biggest problem you
| have at a conference is that your printed program does not map sessions to
| presenters, you are on to something. I look forward to attending Ontario
| LinuxFest 2009.
Ontario Linux Fest: April 2008 announcement
,----[ Quote ]
| It's coming! Ontario Linux Fest 2008 is a GO! We have picked a venue
| and a date, and we can't wait to hear from you. You gave us great
| feedback at the event last year, so we're building on our success.
Free Ontario
,----[ Quote ]
| It doesn't matter if they end up switching wholesale to Ubuntu Linux, adopt
| AbiWord as the Provincial word processor, or even just make the move to use
| Firefox on all desktops. The Goal is to raise awareness. The Goal is to get
| our foot in the door. Once itâs in, we can do more.
| Show them the power of Open Source. Show them the power of a community
| working together. Show them how to think differently.
| Show them how to make a Free Ontario.
Ontario Linuxfest 2007
The Long Road To Free Software in Quebec
,----[ Quote ]
| The report was overwhelming: â We have no control over our own information
| systems! And yet that is the one and only area in which we can achieve the
| necessary gains in productivity.â That day, I came to understand the many
| needs that are fulfilled by free software and how it is of crucial importance
| to our countryâs economy.
Ontario Linux Fest
,----[ Quote ]
| The countdown is on to Ontario Linux Fest and we couldn't be more excited.
| Here's some news from inside the organizing committee. Since our last note
| we've added some speakers and topics, and a couple of prominent sponsors.
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