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[News] Ubuntu GNU/Linux Server Matures, SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 Gets SP3

  • Subject: [News] Ubuntu GNU/Linux Server Matures, SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 Gets SP3
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 23:50:35 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Ubuntu Linux Server Simplifies the Cloud

,----[ Quote ]
| What is a harder choice for users, he said, is whether 
| to go with Ubuntu or to choose a more widely-known 
| enterprise Linux vendor. "Red Hat or Novell are a safe 
| choice, but â there are certain circumstances where 
| Ubuntu can be the right operating system for a 
| corporation or a federal agency."


Novell pushes SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 SP3

,----[ Quote ]
| Novell has released service pack 3 (SP3) for its SUSE 
| Linux Enterprise 10 products.  In addition to 
| including all of the previous bug fixes, SUSE Linux 
| Enterprise Server 10 (SLES) SP3 includes improved 
| Infiniband support (version 1.4.1), Tomcat 5.5.27 and 
| a number of driver updates. On 32-bit Intel-based 
| systems, the vmi, vmipae and kdumpae kernel flavours 
| have been added for use with VMware.



Ubuntu Server receives positive reviews

,----[ Quote ]
| Ubuntu isnât just for desktops. Behind the scenes, corporate IT managers have
| put Ubuntu to work on servers. Donât believe me? Well, I can name names. I
| can also tell you up front that Ubuntu Server gets high marks for its
| corporate support; easy backups, installs and upgrades; documentation, and
| more.
| So I set out to find some IT pros who could talk about Ubuntu Server, which
| wasnât hard. I just asked, âWhoâs using Ubuntu?â  in a
| SearchEnterpriseLinux.com newsletter. Here are some respondentsâ views of
| Ubuntu Server, both positive and not-so-positive.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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