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[News] Red Hat Soaring (While Microsoft Keeps Falling)

  • Subject: [News] Red Hat Soaring (While Microsoft Keeps Falling)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 02:20:29 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Red Hat Ranked as #1 Software Vendor for Fifth Time in CIO Insight Study

,----[ Quote ]
| Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE: RHT), the world's 
| leading provider of open source solutions, 
| today announced that it has received the 
| highest rank among software vendors in Ziff 
| Davis' 2009 "CIO Insight Vendor Value" 
| study, which polls IT executives on the 
| value of their vendors' product and service 
| offerings. This is the fifth time the 
| company has received the top rank among 
| software vendors. In addition, Red Hat 
| received the highest rank among software 
| companies on the overall list of IT vendors 
| across software, networking, hardware and 
| security. 


Red Hat and Google share the CIO love

,----[ Quote ]
| For years, Red Hat sat unopposed at the top 
| of the CIO Insight Vendor Value study. In 
| 2008, however, Google pushed Red Hat aside 
| with its low-cost, easy-to-use enterprise 
| applications. This year, Red Hat has come 
| roaring back to share the top ranking with 
| Google.
| Could this be a sign of CIOs' restive 
| relationships with traditional vendors and 
| an increasingly insatiable appetite for the 
| cost and ease-of-use advantages of open 
| source and software as a service/cloud 
| computing?


Red Hat share price passes Microsoft's

,----[ Quote ]
| Analysts say that while Red Hat's share 
| price has been higher than today what is 
| important is that actually it is worth the 
| figure.



Red Hat passes Microsoftâs stock price, now what?

,----[ Quote ]
| Not since the heady days of the dotcom boom has the
| share market for an open source companyâs stock been
| brighter.
| As of the last Nasdaq trade on October 19, 2009, Red
| Hatâs share price stood at $28.46 with the mighty
| Microsoft in its shadow at $26.36.
| With so much noise made about IT company share prices
| over the years -- Michael Dell said he would shut down
| Apple if he was in charge, but then in 2006 Apple
| surpassed Dellâs market capitalization -- why did such a
| momentous occasion go unnoticed?

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