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[News] GNU/Linux Carries on Gaining, Despite Vista 7 Hype

  • Subject: [News] GNU/Linux Carries on Gaining, Despite Vista 7 Hype
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 12:39:39 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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Linux 'not failed' to take advantage of poor Vista uptake on enterprise desktops

,----[ Quote ]
| Red Hat has seen some stronger than expected 
| quarters this year, as companies look for 
| ways to stretch their diminishing budgets. 
| The downturn, said Mayer, has given Red Hat 
| a foot in the door, as CIOs try to balance 
| the need of delivering to the business, but 
| doing so with less money. The answer has 
| often been that they cut costs where it 
| impacts least, which includes where the end 
| user will notice.


Relax, kids...Windows 7 is just another OS

,----[ Quote ]
| Two million businesses using Google Apps is 
| nothing to sneeze at. Latin American 
| adoption of Linux is quite high, as is anti-
| Microsoft sentiment. Our students today will 
| be interacting with those âworldâs officesâ 
| in a myriad of ways, all of which are 
| focused on the web, rather than Windows.


The best thing about Microsoft Windows 7

,----[ Quote ]
| For the average Linux user, I would imagine 
| that there is no better time to invest in 
| new hardware and install their OS of choice. 
| And with the release of Ubuntu 9.10 just 
| around the corner, the timing of the Windows 
| 7 release could not be better!


Our Windows 7 Special Offer

,----[ Quote ]
| Ubuntu is a modern, stable, reliable and 
| secure computing platform that includes most 
| of the applications we all use every day, 
| such as a compatible office suite (Word-
| processing, Spreadsheets, Presentations) 
| OpenOffice.org, email and calendaring, web 
| browsing and image manipulation tools.


A Linux Users Look at Windows 7 Ultimate

,----[ Quote ]
| When comparing Linux and Windows 7, itâs 
| really amazing to see how far Linux has 
| come. There are some paradigms in Linux 
| (such as contextual browsing, scalability, 
| fast boot times, and netbook-specific 
| releases) that Windows just cannot compete 
| with anymore. That is not to say that 
| Windows is a bad OS (though it is 
| ridiculously expensive) it just means that 
| Microsoft will have a harder battle going 
| forward to stay relevant.
| If anything, 2010 is going to be a great and 
| exciting year. Here we are near the end of 
| 2009 and the stage has already been set for 
| a great battle. Windows 7 has been released, 
| Ubuntu 9.10 is about to be out in the wild, 
| and Googleâs Chrome OS is in development. 
| Also in 2010 the next generation of GNOME 
| will be released, and KDE will also up the 
| ante with version 4.4. Times like these make 
| me extremely happy to be a geek!


Vista 7 was a success... in MARKETING.


Windows 7 â Itâs Vista All Over Again

,----[ Quote ]
| âThere you go againâ. The Gipper said it in
| 1982, and Iâm saying it today â but about
| Windows 7, not Jimmy Carter.
| Because the more I play with Windows 7, the
| more I see the Vista debacle unfolding all
| over again. The commonly accepted wisdom is
| that Windows 7 is oh-so-much-better than
| Vista. Well, based on my own extensive
| testing, itâs not. Not at all.
| First a bit of history. Back in 2006 I was
| editor-in-chief of PC Magazine. Vista was
| coming out and we were pretty darn
| laudatory. Microsoft provided us with new
| hardware, we tested beta versions of Vista,
| and we loved it. Shortly after it shipped,
| alas, the Wow was less Now than Ow. Vista
| sucked upon release to the world for a wide
| range of reasons â not least because the
| networking and audio driver models were
| completely rebuilt in the six months prior
| to release. That led to driver problems,
| along with general instability. When I left
| PC Magazine in 2007, my parting column was
| a bit of an apology â weâd been too easy on
| what turned out to be one of Microsoftâs
| more uneven efforts.
| Itâs easy to get snowed. Microsoft provides
| its favored reviewers a steady stream of
| highlights, new versions, and new features
| â along with brand new hardware to run the
| new builds upon. A team of technical
| marketers inside the borg stand at the
| ready â helping the anointed work through,
| and around, any problems that develop
| during testing.
| [...]
| Weâve seen this story before. Vista was
| overhyped when it came out by everyone from
| PC Magazine to the Wall Street Journal. And
| now Windows 7 is getting the same treatment.


Overheard: Windows 7 is just Vista with new shade of lipstick


Is Windows 7 Just a Vista Service Pack?


Is Windows 7 just Vista in disguise?


Ballmer: Windows 7 is Vista, just 'a lot better'

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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