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[News] X Evolves Fast and Compiz Stays Lightweight

  • Subject: [News] X Evolves Fast and Compiz Stays Lightweight
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 00:23:18 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

X.Org Development Discussion Continues

,----[ Quote ]
| In late September there was a call by Peter 
| Hutterer for a new X.Org release process 
| that consisted of a six-month release cycle 
| for the X Server, all development work to be 
| done in feature branches and not Git master, 
| and a three-stage development cycle. The 
| agreed upon version was pretty much the same 
| as Peter's version, but it also called for 
| the X.Org drivers to be pulled back into the 
| X Server (around version 1.10).


X11R7.5 released - but what is it?

,----[ Quote ]
| Thanks to Alan Coopersmith's efforts, 
| X11R7.5 was released a few days ago. Except 
| - what does that mean?


Debunking the âcompiz is so bloatedâ myth

,----[ Quote ]
| A recent trend Iâve noticed is this myth 
| that compiz is bloated.
| My argument here is that compiz is not 
| bloated but rather it is modular.
| [...]
| Metacity with no compositing comes in at 
| about 2.6 MB. Itâs lightweight but it does 
| not need to deal with having a plugin system 
| loaded in. Stepping things up a bit, letâs 
| turn on compositing.



Compiz Fusion boost my 3D performance

,----[ Quote ]
| The installation went smooth without any error. I found that the
| compiz-fusion features offer more choice of effects compared to it's sibling
| compiz. And the thing that I am really impressed after read the glxgears, I
| am getting constantly rate whooping up to 1200+ fps compare to the previous
| at 140 fps!


Compiz 0.9.x - Where are we now, and where to from here

,----[ Quote ]
| Anyways, this post is about Compiz 0.9.x (formerly âcompiz++â). Compiz 0.9.x
| started in december when onestone announced his core rewrite on the mailing
| list. It had features like pluggable output backends, written in c++ (and a
| few nice interfaces that came with it) and other misc bits and pieces. It was
| designed mostly in mind to overcome a lot of the design problems we were
| having, like plugin-plugins and a ridiculous amound of code to manage lists.
| In Janurary, some developers started to toy around with it and at the
| beginning of this February, we announced that compiz++ would become the base
| for the 0.9.x series and the 0.9.x series would features some major reworks.
| Weâve all been quite busy during that time - so weâve done whatever possible
| to push the branch forwards.


[FusionComm] Compiz 0.8.2 fully released !

,----[ Quote ]
| This is the first stable release of Compiz 0.8 series. This release is the
| first merged release of both (former) Compiz and Compiz Fusion projects, and
| what is newly released here is what previously was the -fusion part ; the
| core part was released on Sunday, March 1st. This release is the result of
| the 0.7 development series and is mostly a bugfix release. A fully detailed
| changelog is available below.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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