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[News] Personal Stories from Google Summer of Code and FSFE

  • Subject: [News] Personal Stories from Google Summer of Code and FSFE
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 03 Nov 2009 08:48:17 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Master of codes

,----[ Quote ]
| The Google Summer of Code (GSOC) is a popular programme thatâs catching on
| among software techies and enthusiasts of Free Software.
| Sarath Lakshman, a fifth semester Computer 
| Science student of the Model Engineering 
| College, Kochi, has cleared the GSOC for a 
| second time in 2009. ``My project is named 
| Pardusman. It is a custom GNU/Linux distro 
| creator from the web. We have numerous 
| variants of GNU/Linux for different 
| purposes, these variants are called 
| GNU/Linux distributions.


Fellowship interview with Leif-JÃran Olsson

,----[ Quote ]
| LJO: We had been working with sgml and 
| later xml-technologies for a long time, 
| annotating the corpus materials used in the 
| research. We were using eXist-db in our 
| work and wanted to contribute back. This 
| resulted in an active involvement in the 
| project. SQL databases are good for 
| strictly regular or structured (the S in 
| SQL) relational data. Xml on the contrary 
| is all about hierarchy and sequence. This 
| is the power of the information model.



Behind the Scenes With a Google Summer of Code Student

,----[ Quote ]
| The dust has settled and all of the Google Summer of Code 2009
| (GSoC) students are getting back into the swing of school and
| jobs, but the experience they gained from participating in the
| project will last a lifetime. It's a great opportunity for
| aspiring developers to pair up with a mentor in the community
| to help them learn the ropes and understand what FOSS
| development is all about.


What I Did On My Summer Holiday

,----[ Quote ]
| Google Summer of Code has again been a huge success for KDE
| this year. 37 out of 38 projects were finished
| successfully. Much of the work done during these projects
| is already merged into trunk and will be available for the
| users with the KDE 4.4 release in January 2010. Thanks to
| all students and mentors for their great work! Below you
| will find a short interview with each of the students,
| asking them about the cool things they have been working on
| for the past few months.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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