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[News] Mobile Market Seen as Growth Area for Free Software

  • Subject: [News] Mobile Market Seen as Growth Area for Free Software
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2009 15:05:44 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Open-source firm looks to capitalise on mobile growth

,----[ Quote ]
| Scott Schwarzhoff, the company's vice-president 
| of marketing, said developers could use 
| Titanium to write once in Javascript, HTML, and 
| CSS and publish an application for either the 
| iPhone or Android devices. Support for the 
| Blackberry and Palm Pre is on the way.
| He said the underlying technology used "a 
| combination of Webkit (the browser rendering 
| engine for Safari) for presenting web 
| information and native code (Objective-C for 
| iPhone, Java for Android) for hooking into 
| native functionality on mobile devices, like 
| the camera, geo-location, filesystem, etc."



OIN: Microsoft lawsuit won't slow Linux's lead in mobile market

,----[ Quote ]
| He also maintains that the lawsuit wipes away any credibility Microsoft has
| gained in its efforts to cooperate with the open source community. Microsoft
| is a Platinum Sponsor of the OSBC 2009 conference scheduled for later this
| month and has worked with Novell, Red Hat, the Apache Foundation and many
| other open source projects over the past 18 months.


Android to take Linux mainstream

,----[ Quote ]
| Calvin Huang, an analyst at Daiwa Securities, told ZDNet Asia in an
| interview, Android is poised to "kill Microsoft" on several fronts: a big
| vendor-backed OS will likely provide better hardware support, and open source
| Android's license is free.

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