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[News] Python 3 Made More Concrete, New Perl Site is Up

  • Subject: [News] Python 3 Made More Concrete, New Perl Site is Up
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 02:21:06 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Python 3 moratorium now official

,----[ Quote ]
| The Python 3 language syntax has been 
| frozen until June 2011 under a moratorium 
| imposed by Guido Van Rossum, Python's 
| creator and BDFL (Benevolent Dictator For 
| Life). The moratorium, proposed at the end 
| of October, is now defined in PEP3003 and 
| sets out what is not to change in future 
| Python 3 versions.


Learning Python, fourth edition

,----[ Quote ]
| It has been a long time since I did any 
| programming. My life took a different path. 
| This book has reminded me of how fun it is 
| to write and read code in Python and made 
| me wonder how I might find or create 
| opportunities to return programming to my 
| busy life (but this time around, if I make 
| the time to write anything, it will be in 
| Python 3.x). This book is why.


Perl.org refresh goes live

,----[ Quote ]
| Following six weeks of development, the 
| Perl.org web site, home of the Perl 
| programming language, has now been 
| redesigned and relaunched. According to a 
| journal post by Senior Perl developer Leo 
| Lapworth, the complete redesign and content 
| review is aimed at providing a cleaner and 
| easier to use page for visitors to better 
| find the information they are after. 



Keeping score in test-driven development with Python, PyLint, unittest, doctest, and PyRate

,----[ Quote ]
| Programming is one of the most extreme
| examples of delayed gratification â you can
| work for months without having anything to
| show for it (or at least nothing that would
| convince your family that it was worth all
| that time and trouble). This can be really
| demoralizing, especially if you have any
| doubts about your abilities to begin with.


Awk vs. Perl


Proposal: Moratorium on Python language changes

,----[ Quote ]
| The main goal of the Python development
| community at this point should be to get
| widespread acceptance of Python 3000. There
| is tons of work to be done before we can be
| comfortable about Python 3.x, mostly in
| creating solid ports of those 3rd party
| libraries that must be ported to Py3k before
| other libraries and applications can be
| ported. (Other work related to Py3k
| acceptance might be tools to help porting,
| tools to help maintaining multiple versions
| of a codebase, documentation about porting
| to Python 3, and so on. Also, work like that
| going on in the distutils-sig is very
| relevant.)


Moratorium for Python 3

,----[ Quote ]
| Guido von Rossum, author of the Python
| programming language, has proposed freezing the
| grammar and semantics of the language for a
| "period of several years". By doing so, von
| Rossum is hoping to facilitate the move from
| Python 2 to Python 3.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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