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[News] The Linux Kernel Space That Never Rests

  • Subject: [News] The Linux Kernel Space That Never Rests
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 23:37:17 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Emerging enterprise tech: The also-rans

,----[ Quote ]
| Rebootless Linux. A little company called 
| Ksplice has delivered on a fantastic idea: 
| Keep Linux updated without downtime or 
| rebooting. When a new Linux security patch 
| comes out, or even a major kernel upgrade, 
| Ksplice packages it as a "rebootless update" 
| that can be downloaded and installed without 
| bringing down the system and, because it works 
| at the object code layer, without programmer 
| involvement. Now that's uptime.



Ksplice gives Linux users 88% of kernel updates without rebooting

,----[ Quote ]
| Have you ever wondered why some updates or installs require a reboot, and
| others donât? The main reason relates to kernel-level (core) services running
| in memory which either have been altered by the update to include new data
| that canât be âsqueezed inâ to its existing footprint, or are currently
| attached to multiple separate processes which cannot be accounted for without
| a reboot. Ksplice has figured out a way around that issue in a majority of
| the cases.
| [...]
| This technology is only for Linux at the current time. No features like this
| are available for Windows. The technology does require a kernel patch, as
| Ksplice itself must be integrated into the kernel. The installation software
| (.deb package) handles this for you.


Interview with Ksplice Co-Founder

,----[ Quote ]
| Ksplice is an amazing new technology which allows patches to be applied
| directly into a running kernel, without needing a reboot. Linux Magazine
| talks with co-founder and Chief Operating Officer and discusses the origins
| of the project and what it has to offer.


Never reboot again with Linux and Ksplice

,----[ Quote ]
| By default, Ksplice shows up in your system menu-bar so you can keep an eye
| on what's happening with your updates. While Ksplice itself is open-source
| software, and the service for individual users is free, you'll need to pay a
| service fee if you're a business using Ksplice to keep your servers
| up-to-date.
| Since Ksplice doesn't require any changes to the Linux kernel I strongly
| suspect you'll soon be seeing its technology used with other Linux
| distributions. After all, as great as Linux is about letting you run for
| months on end without wasting time or money on a reboot, it will be even
| better when we can run Linux for years without rebooting.


Ksplice Executives Share New Ways to Make Linux More Secure, Reliable, and


Ksplice Offers Rebootless Updates For Ubuntu Systems

,----[ Quote ]
| Ksplice has started offering Ksplice Uptrack for Ubuntu Jaunty, a free
| service that delivers rebootless versions of all the latest Ubuntu kernel
| security updates. It's currently available for both the 32 and 64-bit generic
| kernel, and they plan to add support for the virtual and server kernels by
| the end of the month, according to their FAQ. This makes Ubuntu the first OS
| that doesn't need to be rebooted for security updates. (We covered Ksplice's
| underlying technology when it was first announced a year ago.)

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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