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[News] Nokia's Linux-based N900 a "resounding success"; Dell's Linux Phone is Reviewed, Coming Soon

  • Subject: [News] Nokia's Linux-based N900 a "resounding success"; Dell's Linux Phone is Reviewed, Coming Soon
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2009 22:20:15 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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Nokia N900 Review Roundup 

,----[ Quote ]
| You only have to read a few reviews of the 
| Nokia N900 to realise that it is a 
| resounding success â people like the 
| functionality, the open source nature of 
| its OS, the memory, the possibilities for 
| development, and the little features on it. 
| Techradar disagreed with Nokia on one 
| thing: they donât believe that the Nokia 
| N900 is a computer. Instead, they said, 
| âitâs a smartphone and a very good one at 
| that.â In addition, they were also 
| impressed with the overall performance of 
| the OS.
| Similarly, T3 were highly impressed with 
| the overall functionality of the Nokia 
| N900, saying it was âbetter than any Nokia 
| handset weâve seen in along time.â
| They added: âIn terms of browsing and sheer 
| multitasking capability, itâs also superior 
| to other smartphone rivals.â


Nokia Focuses on Linux-based Maemo for High-end Smartphones

,----[ Quote ]
| The talk of the town is Android. Nobody is 
| talking about Symbian anymore. Symbian, of 
| course, still holds majority (50 percent of 
| global sales) of the mobile market share, 
| but its slowly declining. Maybe thatâs why 
| Nokia, Symbianâs primary contributor, is 
| trying to fight back - by dropping the 
| mobile OS from its high-end phones.


Maemo Edges Out Symbian in Nokia's N900 Smartphone

,----[ Quote ]
| Maemo is an open source platform based on 
| Debian GNU/Linux. It draws most of its GUI 
| (graphical user interface), frameworks and 
| libraries from the GNOME project. Maemo 
| uses the Matchbox window manager and the 
| GTK-based Hildon as its GUI and application 
| framework.


Nokia won't demote Symbian, but Linux OSs rule in north America

,----[ Quote ]
| While Symbian still rules in Europe and 
| Japan, the US smartphone market is 
| increasingly crazy for Linux, and this is 
| likely to prompt Nokia - hopeful of ending 
| its woeful run of poor performance in north 
| America in 2010 - to give its Linux-based 
| Maemo platform a bigger role in its 
| strategy from next year. However, 
| persistent speculation that Nokia is making 
| an either/or decision and will actually 
| back away from Symbian remains several 
| leaps too far, and the firm came out with 
| an official denial that it had any plans to 
| demote Symbian from its position as lead 
| smartphone OS.


Hands on With the Dell Mini 3i Smartphone

,----[ Quote ]
| The smartphone is one of the first Ophones 
| in the world, a brand promoted by China 
| Mobile to make sure consumers know it uses 
| the Linux-based Open Mobile System (OMS) 
| developed by the company. OMS is very 
| similar to Android, the reason Dell will 
| release the handset elsewhere with Google's 
| popular mobile phone OS inside.



Hands On: Nokia N900 - A Good Cheap Option?

,----[ Quote ]
| Nokia's Linux-based N900 looks to be shaping
| up as the comapny's real competition in the
| next generation of smartphones - and it seems
| like it may be going for the low-price slot.


Nokia N900 priced for 16th November launch

,----[ Quote ]
| The Nokia N900 looks like being the QWERTY
| success story of the season, as anticipation
| for this Maemo 5 handset seems to be almost at
| fever pitch. While initially intended for an
| October launch, it looks like the Nokia N900
| will be shipping on the 16th November and
| whatâs more, itâll be cheaper than expected.
| Find out about the Nokia N900 being priced for
| 16th November launch after the jump..

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