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[News] Google Critics Turn Out to be Hypocrites

  • Subject: [News] Google Critics Turn Out to be Hypocrites
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2009 09:35:33 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

AP Scans Sarah Palin Book Without Permission; Look Out Google Book Search

,----[ Quote ]
| Google, accused by some as being a book 
| thief, now has company â the Associated 
| Press. The AP patted itself on the back in 
| an internal memo that detailed how it 
| scanned a copy of Sarah Palinâs book 
| without permission, to make it searchable.


Murdoch's The Times Accused Of Blatant Copying, Just As It Tells The World You Should Pay For News

,----[ Quote ]
| Yes, just as Rupert Murdoch is calling 
| aggregators (sites that simply summarize 
| and link to stories) parasites (even as he 
| owns a bunch of aggregators himself), one 
| of his papers didn't aggregate, it flat out 
| copied, without permission, a blog post 
| that was written by Edgar Wright as a 
| tribute to Edward Woodward, who recently 
| passed away.


Revenue reality of a bestseller

,----[ Quote ]
| Back in April when I posted and discussed 
| the royalty statement for Twilight Fall, my 
| top twenty New York Times mass market 
| bestseller, I promised I would post the 
| next royalty statement that came in for the 
| book. That arrived this week, so today I'd 
| like to take a look at that and share some 
| thoughts on how the book performed in the 
| eleven months since the initial release.
| First, the actual statement, which you can | view here.
|   If I published only one book a year, and 
|   it did as well as this one, my net would 
|   be only around $2500.00 over the income 
|   level considered to be the US poverty 
|   threshhold.


Google Blocking Set Top Boxes From Showing YouTube Unless They Pay Up?

,----[ Quote ]
| Update: Received a confused and angry email 
| from YouTube PR linking us to the very Wired 
| article we linked to and demanding we add 
| their PR statement (which is already in the 
| Wired article). However, it does not actually 
| answer the questions raised or change the 
| point of this post. The fact that YouTube 
| restricts set tops from accessing the content 
| still does not make sense.

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