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[News] Semantics of "Freedom" Versus "Open"

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The Success of âOpen Sourceâ

,----[ Quote ]
| You might not know it based on some current 
| community commentary, but at its origin the 
| term âOpen Sourceâ was intended to be a 
| straight drop-in replacement for âFree 
| Softwareâ. There was no philosophical or 
| conceptual difference; instead there was a 
| linguistic concern (âfreeâ has multiple 
| meanings) and a marketing concern (âfreeâ 
| makes âcorporate types nervousâ).
| To a very large degree, the marketing angle 
| has been a smashing success: âOpen Sourceâ 
| is a fantastically popular buzzword, so 
| popular in fact it is applied to home 
| plans, literature, live rock concerts, 
| embroidery, scientific research, mayoral 
| elections, and a wide array of other non-
| Software happenings with varying degrees of 
| accuracy in the labeling.
| There are two problems with this âsuccessâ:
|    1. âOpen Sourceâ is distorted, stretched 
|    and co-opted for (im)pure marketing 
|    purposes; and
|    2. âOpen Sourceâ is applied with only 
|    the vaguest understanding of what it 
|    actually means


Defining open mobile

,----[ Quote ]
| At least part of that perception problem, 
| it turns out, is the many definitions for 
| the word âopen.â (See a sampling of 
| definitions we collected for âopenâ 
| scattered throughout this cover package.) 
| There are open models for the distribution 
| of content and apps, open-source operating 
| systems and open-access policies pertaining 
| to the network itself. An operator can be 
| open in one sense but closed in another. 
| For his part, Lowell McAdam, CEO of Verizon 
| Wireless, refuses to get caught up in 
| parsing definitions.



Free as in Kittens

,----[ Quote ]
| The sense of "getting what you've paid for" also provides much of the basis
| for Microsoft's infamous "Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt" (FUD) strategy that
| was revealed in the leaked "Halloween Documents" in the late 1990s. From this
| perspective, it's easy to say that free software is "not really free," since
| you can't call anybody when it breaks.


Free As In Rider

,----[ Quote ]
| As if the announcements last week didnât short enough neural circuits, it was
| also Symbianâs tenth anniversary, so the week ended with the whole staff of
| Symbian UK partying, as Prince never sang, like it was 1998. I really needed
| a weekend of recovery in order to be able to reflect with any clarity on the
| general response to the plan.
| [...]
| Whether âopenâ really means open
| We gave a timetable which said the full platform would be available under a
| standard open source license (the EPL) within two years or so. A couple of
| things could have been much clearer about this.
| [...]
| Whether âfreeâ really means free
| Basically, yes it does. If there is a catch here it seems a minor one: that
| period where the code will only be available to Members, who need to pay
| US$1500 annual Membership dues. And free means we donât even have any plans
| to fund the Foundation by putting adverts in the source code.


Is Open source a synonym for Free software ?

,----[ Quote ]
| But still the concept of free software and open source software is not clear
| with many of us. We are confused at the basic level and interchanging the
| terms for each other. We use the terms Free Source and Open Source
| interchangeably and get them confused with the concept that they are
| available for free.
| [...]
| Where Free Software Community lays stress on providing source code to
| developers with the aim that user is free to do what he wish with the
| softwareâs source code. It is more philosophical in nature.
| [...]
| To ask you, is GNU/ Linux is a free software or open source software? Cannot
| answer surely; Linux is not an open source software but a product of free
| software community (as you are free to make modifications).
| At crux, it can be said that both are different movements with differing
| principles but are fighting against the common objective âProprietary
| Softwareâ.


Benjamin Mako-Hill on Open Source vs. Free, GPL and Prepping for OSCON

,----[ Quote ]
| Now the GPL, the GPL and other copy-left licenses sort of prevent that from
| happening by saying, no; you need to share--you need to insure that the
| freedoms that you had when you received the work are something that can be
| passed on downstream. And that's a tactical decision because the FSF who sort
| of puts out the GPL and continues to modify it--modifies it believes that by
| insuring that the downstream users have freedom and continue to have freedom
| that there will be more freedom overall. The more people that will release
| their stuff as free software, the more people will be encouraged to keep
| things more free in the long run and that ultimately there will be more free
| and open source software as a result. So--and the GPL is designed to protect
| that.


My Tongue-Lashing from Eben Moglen

,----[ Quote ]
| He made a strong statement about why the Free Software Foundation ultimately
| chose not to close the "SaaS loophole" in GPLv3...


Open Source and Web 2.0

,----[ Quote ]
| Moglen came out swinging, tossing out verbal jabs at the notion of Web 2.0
| and the apolitical notions of open source. Moglen asserted that he was being
| grumpy this morning because certain people had left the free software
| movement early to make money and left the free software folks to do all of
| the heavy lifting.    
| [...]
| Moglen emphasized that Web 2.0 is nothing new under the sun, that the
| questions that O'Reilly was posing were coming up 10 years ago, and that the
| GPL v2 gave people like O'Reilly enough time, 10 years, to go off and make
| their millions and enjoy the fruits of free software's labors. And, Moglen
| added, the FSF, by releasing the GPL v3, just gave software vendors another
| 10 years to grow up and figure out what was really important and get freedom
| back into the conversation.      


GPL author: Google must share code

,----[ Quote ]
| Companies like Google that build their business on software such as
| Linux have a moral imperative to contribute back to the free
| software community, a prominent open source advocate said Tuesday.


Pendulum has swung in the open source debate

,----[ Quote ]
| Once upon a time, the term "open source" was coined to save the free-software
| world from itself--or, rather, from the free-software zealots, as you can
| read on the Open Source Initiative's Web site.  
| Today, I can't help but feel that the pendulum has swung in the opposite
| direction, where we're so self-satisfied with the money we're making off open
| source that we have neglected the essential freedoms that make open-source
| profit possible.  


Open Source is no Web 2.0

,----[ Quote ]
| It is time we stop the term open source from getting hijacked. I recently
| wrote about how tech media doesnât get open source. The events in the last
| week or so have confirmed my thesis further.  
| [...]
| It is time for saner elements in the open source world to wake up and stop
| the abuse of the term open source by the tech media and companies like
| Microsoft. If we donât do it now, the only other alternative is the free
| software movement and the business community may not be able to leverage the
| freedom offered by the free software then.    


Cries for help go out as open source mogul's radar breaks

,----[ Quote ]
| That very speech served as O'Reilly's attempt to make up for his evisceration
| as the hands of Free Software Foundation attorney Eben Moglen. One day
| earlier, Moglen charged O'Reilly with wasting too much time on hem lines,
| haircuts and the latest fluffy Web 2.0 start-up that looks like it might be
| acquired for a ridiculous amount of cash. O'Reilly had no counter on the
| actual day of Moglen's attack, but thought about the issues overnight.    


Eben Moglen challenges Tim O'Reilly to "join the conversation"

,----[ Quote ]
| At the O'Reilly Open Source Convention today, Software Freedom Law Center
| director Eben Moglen threw down the gauntlet to O'Reilly founder and CEO Tim
| O'Reilly. Saying that O'Reilly had spent 10 years making money and building
| the O'Reilly name, Moglen invited O'Reilly to stop being "frivolous" and to
| join the conversation about software freedom.    


Web 2.0: Revolution or Hype?

,----[ Quote ]
| "There is certainly an element of hype in any technology revolution," said
| Tim O'Reilly, founder and chief executive of O'Reilly Media.

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