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[News] Apache Incubator and Mozilla Jetpack in Quick Review

  • Subject: [News] Apache Incubator and Mozilla Jetpack in Quick Review
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 20:42:16 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Apache Incubator: Extraordinary Made Ordinary, the Subversion case

,----[ Quote ]
| Few days ago Subversion has been submitted 
| to the Apache Incubator, a move praised by 
| many as the natural fit for both projects, 
| both for technical reasons (Apache projects 
| use Subversion, Subversion relies on many 
| Apache projects) and a shared vision about 
| IP (same license) and community governance 
| (same voting process).


Mozilla Jetpack Design Challenge Extended

,----[ Quote ]
| Jetpacks are basically add-ons for Mozilla 
| Firefox that are written in HTML, 
| JavaScript, and CSS. They're meant to be 
| easier to write and deploy for Web designers 
| than standard Firefox extensions that can 
| involve needing to know Mozilla's XUL, too. 
| While Mozilla has tons of people writing 
| add-ons for Firefox, the group of people who 
| know standard Web development is far larger 
| than the group that know (or want to learn) 
| XUL.



Apache: 'No jerks allowed'

,----[ Quote ]
| It seems like reasonable advice, but it's
| discouraging to see this basic rule of polite
| society regularly broken within the wider open-
| source community. Some feel that a license to
| code is a license to shout others down. It's
| not. At least, not at Apache.


Apache Software Foundation: 10 years and still open to innovation

,----[ Quote ]
| It's been 10 years since the Apache Software
| Foundation hung out its feather, creating
| what has become a series of communities
| filled with focused project entrepreneurs
| working on a laundry list of innovative
| efforts, one of which landed in the White
| House just a few weeks ago.


Live from ApacheCon: Subversion Joins ASF

,----[ Quote ]
| The Apache Software Foundation is
| celebrating 10 years since its
| incorporation, and so we're partying like
| it's 1999 here at ApacheCon. By which I mean
| ApacheCon has remained true to its roots
| with a community-driven feel that seemed
| more common in the Open Source events of 10
| years ago.


Apache at 10: You Can't Buy Us

,----[ Quote ]
| Money can't buy everything, especially when
| it comes to freely available open source
| software from the Apache Software Foundation
| (ASF).

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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