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[News] Who Can Benefit from Free Software and How

  • Subject: [News] Who Can Benefit from Free Software and How
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2009 20:14:13 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

How can you benefit from Open Source Software (OSS)?

,----[ Quote ]
| Huh? You can benefit from Open Source 
| Software? This question usually paints a 
| confusing scenario in the local IT community 
| and brings about many misconceptions, The 
| answer to this question will be approached 
| from two different angles, from a developers 
| point of view and then a business point of 
| view.


A Doctrine for Change - Lawrence Lessig Again

,----[ Quote ]
| Watch the video from Big Thinkers wherein 
| Lessig explains his views on freedom our 
| culture and creativity.



Lessig: Don't fall into the four-year trap

,----[ Quote ]
| On a massive display screen, he loaded up a portrait of legendary New England
| statesman and eventual Secretary of State Daniel Webster, whose professional
| conflicts of interest would have been enough to make even the most lukewarm
| of political bloggers cringe.
| "Bribery wasn't even a crime in our Congress until 1853. The 19th century was
| a cesspool of this kind of corruption," Lessig explained. "Up to 25 percent
| of the voters literally sold their votes. I'm not talking about a golden
| past."
| [...]
| And then there's the big one: global warming, and the "junk science" research
| put forth at the behest of the oil industry.
| "Just putting money on the table removes the conditions of trust," Lessig
| said. "Money destroys the opportunity for trust. Eighty-eight percent of the
| people in my district believe they have their votes bought."
| [...]
| He left his role as founder and CEO of copyright reform advocacy group
| Creative Commons in April to focus on Change Congress.

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