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[News] Bully Software Alliance Promotes Free Software, by Accident

  • Subject: [News] Bully Software Alliance Promotes Free Software, by Accident
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 04 Dec 2009 01:51:51 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Business Software Alliance asks Britons to become paid informants

,----[ Quote ]
| Here in the UK, the Business Software 
| Alliance is running its annual paid 
| informant "Nail Your Boss" program, in 
| which they give big cash rewards to people 
| who fink out their employers for running 
| pirate software. This happens every year, 
| but it reminded me of one of the funniest 
| incidents in my life as a copyfighter:
| I was guest-lecturing for a week at a 
| master class on issues related to 
| international copyright to grad students at 
| Budapest's Central European University. The 
| speaker following me was the lawyer who ran 
| the Hungarian division of the Business 
| Software Alliance. He described the many 
| means by which the BSA tried to combat 
| piracy, and then he mentioned this paid 
| informant program. 



SA bangs piracy drum

,----[ Quote ]
| Most users will simply do without the software or
| switch to something more affordable or even open
| source. A huge part of the problem with software
| is that it is expensive and most users just can't
| afford the price tag. Having a pirated copy is
| nice but not nice enough to convince them to hand
| over thousands of rands to buy a legitimate copy.


Piracy's global economic impact debated

,----[ Quote ]
| But critics of the study say it fails to account for the possibility that
| pirated software could be replaced with Linux or other open-source options. If
| it were, the BSA's global loss figure of $53 billion would drop sharply, they
| maintain.


Open Source: One Sure Way To Keep Piracy At Bay

,----[ Quote ]
| The BSA won't tell you that the best way to avoid software piracy is to use
| software that cannot, by definition, be pirated. Then again, the BSA also
| won't tell you that a disgruntled ex-employee decided to make your life
| miserable by giving them a call.


Don't Copy That Floppy sequel promises prison beatings for copying

,----[ Quote ]
| The BSA are, of course, big proponents of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade
| Agreement, which would require signatories to send noncommercial copiers to
| prison, so I suppose that there's something to this threat.


Is The BSA Purposely Promoting Open Source Alternatives?

,----[ Quote ]
| So, what is the BSA doing? Yes, that's right, it's pumping up its software
| audit program, sending 1,000 audit letters to companies in London, officially
| demanding they detail their software usage -- while unofficially acting as a
| tremendous advertisement for open source software, where providers don't
| treat their customers as if they were criminals.


How many billions is open-source software worth?

,----[ Quote ]
| In other words, using OSS isn't about being anti-Microsoft or believing in
| some sort of open-source ethical rightfulness, using OSS is simply a smart
| business move. Indeed, at $387-billion in value, OSS is twice as valuable as
| Microsoft's current net worth of $183.5-billion. Not bad for 'free software'
| is it?

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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