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[News] The Murdoch|Ballmer Circus Leaves Competition Alone

  • Subject: [News] The Murdoch|Ballmer Circus Leaves Competition Alone
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 04 Dec 2009 01:53:24 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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Microsoft backs away from Murdoch love-in

,----[ Quote ]
| Or at least, Microsoft is not prepared to 
| go exclusive with the hard-nosed Aussie and 
| other media moguls. Not this week, anyway.
| Reports last week said that the two firms - 
| who share a common interest in slapping 
| Google - were working on a deal that would 
| lead to News Corp's content only being 
| available through Microsoft's Bing search 
| engine. In exchange for some Microsoft 
| cash, of course.


MS kills 'Bing buys the news' furore, but Google could still lose it

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has firmly ruled out the notion 
| of paying news publishers to de-index their 
| content from Google. But you knew that 
| already. Speaking at the unveiling of new 
| Bing features in San Francisco yesterday, 
| senior online services VP Satya Nadella 
| said that Microsoft was not focused on 
| getting exclusive content, and that "there 
| is no real intent here that is focused on 
| getting a whole bunch of content that is 
| de-indexed from Google".



Huffington: News Corp.'s Google-Free Ploy 'Ain't Gonna Happen'

,----[ Quote ]
| Count Arianna Huffington among those who
| doubt that Rupert Murdoch will pull News
| Corp's articles from Google's search index in
| favor of giving Bing exclusive access.
| "I'll gladly wager my share of The Huffington
| Post that this ain't gonna happen," she said
| this morning at the Federal Trade Commission
| workshop "How Will Journalism Survive the
| Internet Age."



Murdoch papers paid Â1m to gag phone-hacking victims

,----[ Quote ]
| Rupert Murdoch's News Group NewsÂpapers has paid out more than Â1m to settle
| legal cases that threatened to reveal evidence of his journalists' repeated
| involvement in the use of criminal methods to get stories.


Times Online denies knowledge of link spam campaign

,----[ Quote ]
| Piotr Wyspianski, a manager at Sitelynx, was revealed on the Waxy.org blog to
| have waged a one-man campaign to game web aggregation communities such as
| Digg, Metafilter and StumbleUpon with over a thousand links to Times Online
| stories. Before working for Sitelynx, he had form for a similar astroturfing
| effort for his own online jewellery store.
| Predictably, the Waxy.org story has hit the front page of Digg and some
| Diggers have piled in to condemn Times Online, blaming a conspiracy by the
| original Digger himself. "I haven't respected The Times since Murdoch bought
| it, since that effectively means I can no longer trust its content. Fuck you
| old man!" wrote one.


Hacker testifies News Corp unit hired him

,----[ Quote ]
| The trial could result in hundreds of millions of dollars in damage awards.
| NDS, which provides security technology to a global satellite network that
| includes satellite TV service DirecTV, denies the claims, saying it was only
| engaged in reverse engineering -- looking at a technology product to
| determine how it works, a standard in the electronics industry.

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