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[News] The MAFIAA (Hollywood) Breaks the Law in Germany, Bullies Lawyers

  • Subject: [News] The MAFIAA (Hollywood) Breaks the Law in Germany, Bullies Lawyers
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 07 Dec 2009 21:28:50 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

P2P Pre-Settlement Letters In Germany May Have Been Illegal; Lawyer
Who Reveals This Threatened With Lawsuit

,----[ Quote ]
| There have been plenty of legal questions 
| over the activities of a small group of 
| companies in Europe, including law firm 
| Davenport Lyons, ACS:Law, Logistep and 
| Digiprotect among others -- who all seem to 
| work together to purposely put files online 
| that they have licensed, and then send 
| threat letters to the owner of any IP 
| address that connects to them. This leads 
| to a fair number of totally bogus demands 
| for people to pay up to avoid getting sued. 
| Apparently, the business is quite 
| profitable, even as no actual lawsuits have 
| been filed. 
| [...]
| After a German lawyer, Thomas Stadler, 
| reviewed all this and posted his analysis 
| saying that the efforts in Germany were 
| clearly illegal under German law (Google 
| translation from the original) , the German 
| lawyer who had sent the original document 
| (the leaked one, detailing how these 
| operations worked), Udo Kornmeier sent him 
| a cease-and-desist letter (again, Google 
| translation from the original), demanding 
| he take down his blog post that showed the 
| whole operation was illegal. Apparently, 
| lawyers who may be breaking the law in 
| Germany don't like other lawyers exposing 
| them...



Lords raise fears over Digital Economy Bill

,----[ Quote ]
| Several members of the House of Lords have
| raised fears over elements of the
| Government's controversial Digital Economy
| Bill.
| The wide-ranging bill covers everything
| from the future of Britain's broadband
| network to measures to deal with illegal
| file-sharing to broadcasting regulation.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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