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[News] Linux-powered CrunchPad Displayed to the Public

  • Subject: [News] Linux-powered CrunchPad Displayed to the Public
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 08 Dec 2009 02:21 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

CrunchPad partner plans media event

,----[ Quote ]
| Rathakrishnan, who had earlier promised via 
| an email to the San Francisco Business Times 
| that a statement would be forthcoming, "just 
| wants to be able to share his side of the 
| story and heâs going to be showing the device 
| very briefly as well," Alpers said.



How Mike Arrington can save the CrunchPad

,----[ Quote ]
| Let that software fly as GPL. TechCrunch
| and FusionGarage can spend their time in
| court and in the meantime the open source
| and shanzhai community can try to polish it
| up a bit.


The CrunchPad â the greatest tablet there never was?


Social OpenSim grids gain over 1,000 regions

,----[ Quote ]
| The largest social OpenSim-based grids have
| gained over 1,000 regions since our last
| count in early September, bringing the
| total regions on these grids to over 6,500.
| These are grids that allow anyone to
| register for free. In addition, social
| interaction is a significant aspect of the
| gridâs activity.  In addition, many of the
| social grids are now accessible from other
| grids, via hypergrid teleport.


Time to open source the CrunchPad

,----[ Quote ]
| What many people seem to have missed in
| their coverage of the CrunchPadâs death is
| the fact that Michael Arrington has
| repeatedly said that he would âopen source
| the specsâ. Now Phillip Torrone from MAKE
| magazine is asking Arrington to do just
| that.


Picking through the CrunchPad rubble

,----[ Quote ]
| Phillip Torrone at Make, noting that
| Arrington has repeatedly described the
| project as open source, is challenging him
| to release what designs and code he has for
| the tinkering community at large to play
| with.


TechCrunch Tablet PC Shelved; Owners Dispute Rights


CrunchPad tablet is alive, well, and under $400 (with sponsorship)

,----[ Quote ]
| In this weekâs Gillmor Gang video, Arrington
| says that the CrunchPad is coming along and
| that it will sell for somewhere between $300
| and $400. He says it costs somewhere in the
| âupper $200sâ to build, and that heâs looking
| at ways to help keep costs down with
| sponsorship opportunities, sort of the way
| Firefox makes money for Mozilla through the
| search box with Google set as the default
| search engine. Hopefully Arrington is talking
| about similarly unobtrusive sponsorship.

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