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[News] Excitement Over K Desktop Environment 4.4, GDM Themes

  • Subject: [News] Excitement Over K Desktop Environment 4.4, GDM Themes
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 08 Dec 2009 13:49:09 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Living on the edge

,----[ Quote ]
| KDE SC 4.4 Beta 1 has been released, and of 
| course I couldnât stay still. 


6 Awesome GDM Themes for Gnome


Hack Karmic's GDM Login Part 2 



Hands-on: Plasma, KWin improve in KDE SC 4.4 beta 1

,----[ Quote ]
| There are a number of more sophisticated
| KWin changes that are under active
| development but probably won't arrive in
| KDE SC 4.4. I'm particularly enthusiastic
| about a project that was undertaken by
| developer Nikhil Marathe which will
| ultimately add dynamic window tiling, so
| that KWin can be used like Ion and other
| keyboard-oriented tiling window managers.
| It's still at an early stage of
| development, but it shows considerable
| promise.
| Several new applications will debut in 4.4,
| including a new blogging tool called
| Blogilo. The tool, formerly known as Bilbo,
| is designed to give users a way to manage
| and post content to blogs that use the
| Metaweblog API, including Wordpress,
| MovableType, and Blogger. Its built-in
| content editor has optional WYSIWYG support
| and spellchecking. Due to its broad
| assortment of capabilities, Blogilo is
| arguably the most feature-rich native
| blogging tool on the Linux platform. It's a
| particularly useful tool for users who
| write multiple blogs and want to manage
| them through a single interface.


Is Tabbed Windows Going To Be The Next Big Thing?

,----[ Quote ]
| With the release of KDE SC 4.4 Beta 1,
| tabbed windows is now available through its
| windows manager KWin. This raises the
| question, is tabbed windows going to be the
| next big thing after tabbed browsing?
| Tabs as a means of cleaning up the UI is by
| no means a new concept. It dates back to
| 1997 when NetCaptor, the first browser
| supporting tabed browsing was released.
| However, the concept really took off when
| Mozilla Firefox introduced it.


KDE 4.3.4 now available for PCLinuxOS

,----[ Quote ]
| KDE has released a new version of the KDE
| Software Compilation (KDE SC). This monthâs
| edition of KDE SC is a bugfix and
| translation update to KDE SC 4.3. KDE SC
| 4.3.4 is a recommended upgrade for everyone
| running KDE 4.3.3 or earlier versions. As
| the release only contains bugfixes and
| translation updates, it will be a safe and
| pleasant update for everyone. Users around
| the world will appreciate that KDE SC 4.3.4
| is more completely translated. KDE 4 is
| already translated into more than 50
| languages, with more to come.


KDE 4.4 Solid Auto Mount Enhancements


KDE Software Compilation 4.4 Beta 1 Released


KDE Software Compilation 4.4-beta1 Out Now: Codename "Kompilation"

,----[ Quote ]
| December 4rd, 2009. Today, KDE has
| released a first preview the KDE Software
| Compilation (KDE SC), 4.4 Beta1 The first
| beta version of KDE SC 4.4 provides a
| preview and base for helping to stabilize
| the next version of the KDE Desktop,
| Applications and Development Platform.


KDE 4.4 Desktop â An Early Preview

,----[ Quote ]
| There are also enhancements made for
| Netbook users but thatâs beyond my scope
| of interest at this point â since I donât
| own one.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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