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Re: Canadian Record Industry faces Taste of Own Medicine

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____/ nessuno on Tuesday 08 Dec 2009 16:26 : \____

> <Quote>
> The defendants in the case are Warner Music Canada, Sony BMG Music
> Canada, EMI Music Canada, and Universal Music Canada, the four primary
> members of the Canadian Recording Industry Association....
> The class action seeks the option of statutory damages for each
> infringement. At $20,000 per infringement, potential liability exceeds
> $60 billion.
> These numbers may sound outrageous, yet they are based on the same
> rules that led the recording industry to claim a single file sharer is
> liable for millions in damages.
> After years of claiming Canadian consumers disrespect copyright, the
> irony of having the recording industry face a massive lawsuit will not
> be lost on anyone, least of all the artists still waiting to be paid.
> Indeed, they are also seeking punitive damages, arguing "the conduct
> of the defendant record companies is aggravated by their strict and
> unremitting approach to the enforcement of their copyright interests
> against consumers."
> </Quote>
> http://www.thestar.com/business/article/735096--geist-record-industry-faces-liability-over-infringement

There was a calculation error and it should say $6 billion.

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

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