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[News] [Rival] Microsoft Punished in Court for Deliberately Abusing the Legal System

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Microsoft Punished in Court for Deliberately Abusing the Legal System
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 01:25:54 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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Capital cost for Microsoft: court says pay up

,----[ Quote ]
| Itâs a capital cost all right! Delhi High 
| Court has asked Microsoft Corporation to shell 
| out Rs.800,000 ($16,000) for choosing to fight 
| four copyright violation cases in the Indian 
| capital even though they originated in other 
| cities.
| The order came after the court found that the 
| alleged violations occurred in Bangalore, 
| Hyderabad, Chandigarh and Mumbai.
| Not only did the court note that Microsoft had 
| offices in these cities, but it also said the 
| company was using âmoney powerâ to âharassâ 
| the defendants, who would have to travel to 
| Delhi to fight the cases.



Red Hat Sues Switzerland Over Microsoft Monopoly

,----[ Quote ]
| Â8 million a year to Microsoft, with no public bidding. And that's just the
| tip of the iceberg, say open source activists
| Linux vendor Red Hat, and 17 other vendors, have protested a Swiss government
| contract given to Microsoft without any public bidding. The move exposes a
| wider Microsoft monopoly that European governments accept, despite their lip
| service for open source, according to commentators.
| The Red Hat group has asked a Swiss federal court to overturn a three-year
| contract issued to Microsoft by the Swiss Federal Bureau for Building and
| Logistics, to provide Windows desktops and applications, with support and
| maintenance, for 14 million Swiss Franc (Â8 million) each year. The contract,
| for "standardised workstations", was issued with no public bidding process,
| Red Hat's legal team reports in a blog - because the Swiss agency asserted
| there was no sufficient alternative to Microsoft products.


Public Call for Tender Requested: Swiss Group Challenges Microsoft Contracts

,----[ Quote ]
| The Swiss Federal Office for Construction and Logistics (Bundesamt fÃr Bauten
| und Logistik, or BBL) is reported as having purchased Microsoft licenses in
| the order of 42 million Swiss francs (about $38 million). Because no public
| bids were tendered, open source organizations are now requesting a review of
| the decision.


Federal government grants 42 million franks contract to Microsoft â without

,----[ Quote ]
| The Swiss federal government published in the Swiss Official Gazette of
| Commerce that it has granted a maintenance contract over CHF 42 million to
| Microsoft â however, without a prior tender. The monopolist apparently had
| been granted the contract under exclusion of any potential competition.
| The Federal Office of Construction and Logistics (BBL) apparently signed the
| maintenance contract over Windows and Office licenses, SharePoint et cetera
| in February already. A tender had never been held, so competitors had never
| been given a chance to demonstrate their own products. This, however, is
| clearly against the official regulations for acquisition of resources. A
| speaker of the Open Source corporation group /ch/open announced that the
| decision would be contested in front of the Federal Court which,
| incidentally, is a known user of the OpenOffice.org suite.



Official: ZÃrichâs students get rid of âWindows Taxâ

,----[ Quote ]
| Thanks to their efforts, students and staff in ZÃrich now have the freedom
| to /choose/ what software they want to run on their laptops.


FSFE, SIUG File Official Objections to Switzerland's Vote on MS-OOXML

,----[ Quote ]
| It all reminds me of when I was a kid, and we'd sometimes settle things in
| the playground with a coin toss. There was occasionally a smart aleck who'd
| yell out as the coin was thrown up into the air, "Heads I win, Tails you
| lose." This ISO process seems like that, in that people are voting against
| MS-OOXML in numbers and raising serious questions, but somehow they get
| ignored or bypassed.


Swiss Cheese [for OOXML]

,----[ Quote ]
| The present spin doctors of Microsoft and ECMA managed to convince Mr.
| Thomann to reject every serious technical and general concern we had
| regarding OOMXL by pointing to compatibility reasons. At the end we had a
| majority _against_ Microsoft but which (giving the unfair rules) results in a
| Swiss vote _for_ Microsoft. Mr. Thomann was fretting and fuming at the end of
| the meeting how it can be that successful international companies (we had
| representatives from IBM, Google, ...) vote against the best interest of
| their customers and theirself!      
| Yes, this is how the democratic system at SNV / ISO works. After the meeting
| I could not eat as much as I wanted to puke...

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