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[News] Resource for Free Alternatives to Proprietary Software, New FOSS Currency

  • Subject: [News] Resource for Free Alternatives to Proprietary Software, New FOSS Currency
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 15:26 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Open Source Alternatives for X Professional Software

,----[ Quote ]
| The Open Source movement has always been 
| present. Whether proprietary software seems 
| to be gaining ground or not, open source 
| has always been a very enticing 
| alternative. The problem has been, how do 
| people know whether an open source 
| alternative exists or not? Hereâs two 
| websites that hope to change that.
| If a user is sick and tired of some of the 
| flaws of, say, Internet Explorer and they 
| want to turn to an Open Source solution, 
| the easy goto browser for surfing is 
| FireFox hands down. In fact, FireFox does 
| have what very few open source solutions 
| have â a household name that most know 
| about. Chances are, someone who knows 
| someone who knows someone at the very least 
| either knows or uses the famed browser. 
| What about alternatives to, say, AutoCAD or 
| Adobe Illustrator? That might be a bit more 
| difficult to find.


Open source commemorative challenge coin minted 

,----[ Quote ]
| Need something unique for the open source 
| Linux-loving GNU-spouting Free Software 
| Foundation member in your life? ThinkGeek 
| has the answer in the form of commemorative 
| open source challenge coins. They will 
| contribute to the open source cause and 
| might even get you a free drink.


The Bizarre Cathedral - 62



About Open Source Value Creation and Consumption

,----[ Quote ]
| The relationship between open source
| communities and vendors keeps being a topic of
| debate these days. Simon Phipps at the South
| Tyrol Free Software Conference gave a talk
| about his âsoftware freedom scorecardâ, a
| method to indicate the approach vendors take
| to promote software freedom as part of their
| business strategies.


RMS and His Magic Bread

,----[ Quote ]
| Imagine that you are in a world where people are starving. Imagine you have
| some bread, and you were confronted with starving people: most would feel a
| compulsion to share that bread. But imagine now that you had RMS's special
| kind of bread that could be eaten once or a million times: how much greater
| would the duty to share that bread with the hungry be? And how much more
| despicable would the person who refused to share that bread be?
| Translate this now to the realm of ideas. We are surrounded by people hungry
| for knowledge, and we do possess that magic bread - digital copies of
| knowledge that can be shared infinitely without diminishing it. Do we not
| have a similar moral duty to share that magic bread of digital knowledge with
| all those that hunger for it?

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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