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[News] Ubuntu GNU/Linux Moves Forward Very Rapidly, 10.04 Out in 4 Months

  • Subject: [News] Ubuntu GNU/Linux Moves Forward Very Rapidly, 10.04 Out in 4 Months
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 03:04:52 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Quick change artist

,----[ Quote ]
| ONE of things that might disconcert Windows 
| users after theyâve switched to Ubuntu Linux 
| is the frequency with which the operating 
| system is updated.


Whatâs New In Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx Alpha 1?

,----[ Quote ]
| As per their report, the new Ubuntu will 
| come with a decreased number of games, 
| cutting short the number to just 5. The 
| Update Installer gets a new button that when 
| clicked, will update the Updater itself, so 
| that a broken Update installer shall not 
| cause problems for other installations. 
| Amongst other things, the Software Center 
| has earned itself breadcrumbs for smoother 
| navigation and a new application called 
| Byubo comes pre-installed. Although not 
| revolutionary changes, the updates are worth 
| checking out, as it is said, âsmall steps 
| makes up the complete runâ.


UDS from an embedded hacker's perspective

,----[ Quote ]
| The Ubuntu Developers Summit (UDS), held 
| November 16-20 in Dallas, while kicking off 
| the development cycle for the next Ubuntu 
| release, "Lucid Lynx", had a surprising 
| amount to interest a kernel hacker with 
| embedded tendencies. The Summit covered a 
| wide range of topics from low level kernel 
| details, to best community practices, but 
| the ARM netbook support sessions were 
| particularly interesting. At this UDS, the 
| Ubuntu ARM developers set out to enable 
| support for many ARM machines in a single 
| distribution, a difficult task due to the 
| lack of a standard firmware interface on ARM 
| systems; a familiar problem to embedded 
| developers. This report covers the solutions 
| debated at UDS â including Kexec bootloaders 
| and the flattened device tree â and the 
| choices made for the next Ubuntu release.



Plymouth Gets Pulled Into Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

,----[ Quote ]
| Ubuntu 9.10 didn't end up seeing
| integration of Plymouth as USplash and the
| new XSplash ended up being used. However,
| the Ubuntu development community and
| Canonical seemed to have changed their
| mind. Just uploaded to the Ubuntu Lucid
| repository for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS is in fact
| Plymouth.


Plymouth Running On Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

,----[ Quote ]
| For those looking to play with Plymouth on
| Ubuntu right away, it's as easy as sudo
| apt-get install plymouth when running on
| the Ubuntu 10.04 development branch.
| Yesterday we installed Plymouth on an
| Ubuntu Lucid box and recorded the video
| below.


What will Ubuntu 10.04 bring to the table?

,----[ Quote ]
| I hope you are as excited about 10.04 as I
| am. I believe this could be the Ubuntu
| release that the public would have a hard
| time turning down as its desktop OS. Not
| only will it have a very solid foundation,
| the overlaying structure will be much more
| modern looking.


New Application Stack in Ubuntu 10.04

,----[ Quote ]
| Ubuntu 10.04, which will appear next April
| 2010 as Canonicalâs long-anticipated third
| LTS (Long Term Support) release, will
| feature substantial changes in the lineup
| of applications installed by default.
| Hereâs a look at the biggest ones, with
| some thoughts.
| Judging by the controversy over the
| replacement of Pidgin with Empathy, many
| Ubuntu users do not take kindly to
| decisions to modify the application stack
| in a default installation.  Even when the
| change arguably does not compromise
| important features and despite the fact
| that 35,000 applications are always just
| an âapt-get installâ awayâfor those who
| have the bandwidth, at leastâchange tends
| to spawn a lot of ire.


Ubuntu 10.04 May Backport Newer Kernels

,----[ Quote ]
| By the time Ubuntu 10.04 rolls around in
| April, the Linux 2.6.33 kernel will have
| been released and the Linux 2.6.34 kernel
| will be in development, but the Ubuntu
| developers have decided to stick it out
| with the 2.6.32 kernel for a maximum
| stabilization period, especially since
| this is a Long-Term Support release.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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