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[News] Tips and Tricks for Linux Phones from Google's Family

  • Subject: [News] Tips and Tricks for Linux Phones from Google's Family
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 19 Dec 2009 01:34:35 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Master Google Android: 40 Tips and Tricks

,----[ Quote ]
| Android, as recent Verizon commercials remind 
| us, is the antithesis of Apple's celebrated 
| handset: It's open source, fully customizable, 
| and free from unexplained app rejections. If 
| the iPhone is Apple's inalterable masterpiece, 
| the Android platform is Google's open canvas. 
| The palette is in your hands; it's up to you to 
| add color.
| We've assembled 40 tips and tricks to help you 
| make the most of your Android phone. Some are 
| specific to Android 2.0 or later, but most 
| apply to any Android-based device. And not one 
| of these tricks requires you to jailbreak 
| anything.



Motorolaâs Milestone (The U.K.âs Droid) Flies Off The Virtual Shelves

,----[ Quote ]
| Some very positive news for Motorola (NYSE:
| MOT) as we head into the weekend ... Online
| retailer eXpansys says that the Milestoneâ
| the U.K.-version of the Droidâsold out in
| just three hours. eXpansys is the exclusive
| seller of the handset; the company said it
| had received well over 1,000 pre-orders for
| the Milestone a week before it went on sale.
| eXpansis expects a second shipment of
| Milestones to arrive in time for holiday
| orders.

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