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[News] A Look at ALT Linux 5, BrowserLinux is Born

  • Subject: [News] A Look at ALT Linux 5, BrowserLinux is Born
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2009 22:39:33 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

ALT Linux 5 Ark desktop review

,----[ Quote ]
| ALT Linux is an APT-ified, RPM-based 
| distribution developed and maintained by the 
| ALT Linux Team (ALT is recursive for ALT Linux 
| Team). It was originally based on Mandrake (now 
| Mandriva) Linux. There are two main development 
| branches, âALT Linux 5.0 Ark, a suite designed 
| for making integrated solutions, and ALT Linux 
| 5.0 School, a suite that is targeted at 
| secondary and high schools.â Within the ALT 
| Linux 5.0 Ark branch, there is a desktop 
| version, and a server version. This review is 
| of ALT Linux 5.0 Ark desktop.


BrowserLinux: Simple OS for web browsing, not much else

,----[ Quote ]
| Google may think that the most important 
| application for any operating system is a web 
| browser. But while Googleâs approach is to 
| build an entire OS around the browser, others 
| have taken a simpler approach. BrowserLinux, 
| for instance, is basically a stripped down, 
| Linux-based operating system designed to run 
| just a few programs including a file manager, 
| audio player, and Firefox 3.5.5.



The Yakuts Have an Word for IT

,----[ Quote ]
| Readers of this blog probably take for granted a crucial freedom that open 
| source software makes possible: that of being able to use your own language 
| for computing.  
| [...]
| During these meetings, an agreement was signed between the company and ALT 
| Linux TSNIT YAGU on scientific and technical cooperation and on the New YAGU 
| was responsible representation ALT Linux in education in the republic of 
| Sakha (Yakutia). At the same time, discussed the implementation of fonts in 
| the Yakut ALT Linux operating system to promote the production and extensive 
| use of ALT Linux.]     

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