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[News] [Rival] Bill Gates (Big Tobacco Investor) Accused of Harming Small Tobacco, Maybe Buys Farm

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Bill Gates (Big Tobacco Investor) Accused of Harming Small Tobacco, Maybe Buys Farm
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2009 02:13:45 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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Tobacconists Cry Foul Over More False Anti-Smoking Propaganda.

,----[ Quote ]
| "For us to take on WHO is like David 
| taking on Goliath. Weâre not âbig tobaccoâ 
| and our mom-and-pop retail members are 
| just small businesses selling legal 
| products that adults enjoy like fine wine 
| or top-shelf Scotch whiskey," McCalla 
| said, "but we cannot stand by while WHO 
| makes outlandish and outrageous claims 
| that are an affront to the intelligence of 
| all thinking people," he said.
| McCalla chose not to repeat the 
| controversial WHO claims so as not to give 
| them further coverage. However, he 
| explained that they had to do with alleged 
| health issues related to smoking and 
| secondhand smoke.
| "They say there are no safe levels of 
| secondhand smoke, but the Occupational 
| Safety and Health Administration says 
| otherwise," McCalla explained. "OSHA has, 
| indeed, set safe levels for secondhand 
| smoke and those levels are 25,000 times 
| higher than are found in bars and 
| restaurants."
| Among contributors to WHO is the Bill and 
| Melinda Gates Foundation which, despite 
| its support for WHOâs work with preventing 
| and treating malaria, has been criticized 
| by top WHO staffers for not allowing its 
| funding to be more broadly spent.


Microsoft co-founder bought the farm?

,----[ Quote ]
| Now, they're wondering whether the company 
| that paid $27.1 million for the very large 
| farm is owned by Bill Gates, Microsoft's 
| chairman and the world's wealthiest man.
| [...]
| Local officials say the rumor is rampant, 
| but they don't know whether it's true. 
| Public records lend support to the theory 
| but aren't conclusive.



University of Colorado at Boulder Falls Prey to Philip Morris' Strategic Philanthropy

,----[ Quote ]
| Notwithstanding that a federal court in
| 2006 found Philip Morris guilty of
| engaging in 50 years of public fraud and
| racketeering, a peer-reviewed study of
| tobacco industry documents conducted by
| the University of California San
| Francisco's Center for Tobacco Control
| Research and Education looked at why
| tobacco companies so robustly promote Life
| Skills Training.


WHO officially announces the $10 million grant of the Gates Foundation to promote tobacco control in Africa

,----[ Quote ]
| We had previously informed our readers of
| this grant awarded in August. The press
| release does not provide details about the
| way the funds will be managed, the type of
| governance that will be -eventually
| chosen-, what African NGOs will eventually
| participate, how transparency and
| accountability will be implemented, issues
| that are very important and were
| specifically addressed by the Gates
| Foundation in the $7 million project
| awarded to the American Cancer Society.


Jeffrey Drope of Marquette University is awarded approximately $118.300 to organize the data collected by the ATSA teams

,----[ Quote ]
| This contract was apparently signed in
| June 2009. Its size is substantial: $451K
| represent about 8,5% of the global budget
| of $5.2 millions provided to IDRC by the
| Gates Foundation.
| The post on the IDRC's site does not say
| what the participation of the African
| advocates is and if they'll receive any
| part of the financial support that is
| given to Jeffrey Drope (who had previously
| been awarded smaller consulting
| contracts).
| Jeffrey Drope is the brother of Jacqui
| Drope who is the senior program officer of
| the ATSA program. Her name usually appears
| when ATSA grants are advertised but in
| this case it is replaced by Greg Hallen
| (new RITC program leader).



Gates Foundation Investments Often Don't Jibe With Philanthropic Priorities

,----[ Quote ]
| In the first article, the newspaper notes that the Gates Foundation has
| invested in companies like Chevron Corporation, Eni, Exxon Mobil Corporation,
| Royal Dutch Shell, and Totalâall responsible for gas flares that pollute the
| Niger Delta, shooting out chemicals and soot that may be causing the regionâs
| alarmingly high rates of respiratory diseases, cancer, and blurred vision and
| also lowering immunityâwhile the foundation is making grants to fight disease
| in Africa.
| In the second article, the newspaper notes that Gates is heavily invested in
| companies that have ties to tobacco, alcohol, and gambling.


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation- Truth Revealed


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation- Truth Revealed Part 2


Dark cloud over good works of Gates Found


Gates Foundation Revokes Pledge to Review Portfolio

,----[ Quote ]
| ...the Gates Foundation took down their public statement on this
| and replaced it with a significantly altered version which seems to
| say that investing responsibly would just be too complex for them
| and that they need to focus on their core mission: 'There are
| dozens of factors that could be considered, almost all of which
| are outside the foundation's areas of expertise. The issues
| involved are quite complex...


Gates Foundationâs Influence Criticized

,----[ Quote ]
| The chief of malaria for the World Health Organization has complained that
| the growing dominance of malaria research by the Bill and Melinda Gates
| Foundation risks stifling a diversity of views among scientists and wiping
| out the world health agencyâs policy-making function.

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