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[News] Mobile Linux Recognised as a Victor in 2009 (by Many Publications)

  • Subject: [News] Mobile Linux Recognised as a Victor in 2009 (by Many Publications)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 01 Jan 2010 14:17:08 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Linux in 2010 

,----[ Quote ]
| 2009 has been a rather interesting year 
| for Linux, and 2010 promises to be even 
| better. In 2009 we have seen the explosion 
| of Linux in the mobile phone segment: 
| Google's Linux-based Android OS 
| smartphones have blossomed, Nokia's Maemo 
| based N900 made geeks all over the world 
| drool, Palm released a new linux-based OS 
| for its smartphones, WebOS, even Samsung 
| unveiled a new Linux-based OS for its 
| mobiles called Bada.The year of the Linux 
| Desktop, may yet be far far away, but 
| there is no doubt that 2009 was the year 
| of the Linux Mobile.


The H Year: 2009's Wins, Fails and Mehs

,----[ Quote ]
| Win - Android's Rise - With 
| Chrome/Chromium, Chrome OS and other web 
| related open source projects coming out of 
| Google, it has been a good year for 
| Google's contributions. But the big win in 
| 2009 for Google and for open source has 
| been the rapid advance of Android as an 
| operating system for smart phones and 
| other mobile devices. 2008's mediocre 
| launch of the Linux-powered phone OS was 
| surpassed in 2009 with a wide range of 
| devices running the OS, new versions of 
| Android and a rapidly growing developer 
| community.


Open source predictions for 2010

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux takes over mobile market
| This prediction is one of the more certain 
| to come true. With more and more powerful 
| phone arriving on the market with the 
| Android operating system and the netbook 
| hardware gaining more power and more 
| Linux-based options (Moblin and Chrome OS 
| for example), the mobile space seems ripe 
| for a Linux takeover in 2010. Of course 
| there have been many who would argue that 
| netbook sales have declined, it has been 
| predicted that netbook sales will top 50 
| million by 2012. But to this I would 
| suggest that (although I am not a huge 
| fan) cloud computing is going to even 
| further enhance the Linux netbook sales. 
| Because the Linux operating system was 
| made to be networked, it is a perfect 
| candidate to serve as the operating system 
| the cloud will reach out to.


Three best Linux Technologies of this Decade

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux on cellphones is fast becoming 
| popular and is being adopted by major 
| manufacturers line Nokia and HTC. We have 
| the revolutionary Nokia N900 running Maemo 
| and the HTC Hero running Google Android. 
| Both are Linux for smartphones and are 
| highly customizable and developer 
| friendly.
| We hope to see more of these technologies 
| in future. These two years of 2008 and 
| 2009 have brought remarkable development 
| for Linux and we hope to be nearing a 
| better and a wider users base.


The Top 9 Linux Stories in 2009

,----[ Quote ]
| 2009 will be looked at as the year that 
| Android OS really took off. The first 
| Android phone was released in October 
| 2008, the G1, wasnât really a big hit. A 
| few of the early adopters, including me, 
| picked it up. However, in 2009, things 
| really boomed. More than a dozen devices 
| were announced/released, covering both mid 
| and high ends of the smartphone market. 
| Most notably, the Motroloa Droid, was 
| lauded by many analysts and was put right 
| up there with the iPhone. By November 
| 23rd, Android accounted for at least 20% 
| share of the US smartphone market. Not a 
| bad feat in one year.



Best Mobile Innovations of 2009

,----[ Quote ]
| Google unleashed its mobile OS Android in
| full force this year. The open source
| operating system, which runs on a Linux
| kernal, has gone on to power devices such as
| the HTC Hero and the Motorola Droid. The
| beauty of Android is that it is open source,
| meaning its literally a pleasure for
| developers to work with, and isnât tied to
| anyone device in particular - essentially,
| any mobile phone manufacturer can pick it up
| and use it to its full potential.


2009: A breakthrough year for mobile Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| In 2009, mobile consumer devices including
| netbooks, e-readers, tablets, MIDs, PMPs,
| and mobile phones were increasingly
| dominated by embedded Linux or the Linux-
| based Android. LinuxDevices presents four
| updated showcases of story summaries for
| netbooks, phones, and other portable
| devices, recalls 2009 highlights ranging
| from the Kindle to the Droid, and looks in
| on new rumors about the Google Nexus One
| and Chrome OS netbook design.

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