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[News] GNU/Linux Users More Qualified for Assessment of Windows

  • Subject: [News] GNU/Linux Users More Qualified for Assessment of Windows
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 04 Jan 2010 16:59:14 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Linux users more experienced with windows. 

,----[ Quote ]
| From what I understand, the most, if not the 
| major, gripe windows users have with the 
| Linux operating system is that it doesn't run 
| windows programs. That sort of reasoning is 
| about as powerful as a storm in a teacup. 
| Linux is not a copy of windows and has it's 
| own comprehensive suite of programs to 
| accomplish all computing tasks.
| This means that when it comes down to a Linux 
| verses windows debate Linux people have the 
| advantage in knowledge and experience. I have 
| never heard of any Linux user with a couple 
| or more years of Linux experience moving over 
| to the windows operating system. I have never 
| heard of a windows user with as much 
| experience in Linux as a Linux user has in 
| windows. 


Linux is the perfect choice for many people

,----[ Quote ]
| As you can see, these are just two examples 
| of how people who wouldnât normally think 
| that they would have a good use for that 
| âotherâ operating system, there really are 
| some great âout-of-the-boxâ uses for Linux 
| besides the everyday use some may find 
| intimidating.



A standard Windows desktop is useless

,----[ Quote ]
| I type, LyX does the layout. Creating a PDF
| is painless. With eLyXer HTML creation is
| easy - and boy, does it look good. With
| LaTeX2RTF I can create those @#$% Word
| documents the whole world seems to be craving
| for. I written my entire 4tH manual with LyX,
| which is over 450 densely written letter-size
| pages - with graphics. No problem. Making
| references, bibliographies or a simple table
| of contents, it's just a few quick clicks
| away. I fire LyX up, adjust the document
| properties and I'm away. I type the title, my
| name, indicate this is the "title" and
| "author" and begin my first section.
| Highlight the section title, indicate this is
| a "section" and off we go. That's how you
| produce content. Needless to say that once
| you've put an image somewhere that it doesn't
| move anymore - and certainly isn't overlaid.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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