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[News] MAFIAA Might be Working Against the Constitution

  • Subject: [News] MAFIAA Might be Working Against the Constitution
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 05 Jan 2010 16:24:29 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Constitutionality of RIAA Damages Challenged

,----[ Quote ]
| In SONY BMG Music Entertainment v. 
| Tenenbaum, defendant has filed a motion 
| for new trial, attacking, among other 
| things, the constitutionality of the 
| jury's $675,000 award as being violative 
| of due process.


Did File-Sharing Make Wolverine a Hit?

,----[ Quote ]
| Accept No Substitutes: The Pirated Version 
| of "Woverine" is Not Nearly as Good There 
| is a mind-blowing cover story by Jonah 
| Lehrer in the January 2010 issue  of Wired 
| that suggests that scientists, instead of 
| being neutral observers searching  for 
| objective âtruth,â actually begin do  
| experiments to prove that their 
| preconceptions are right.  When they find 
| contrary evidence, they either ignore it, 
| or figure their equipment or methodology 
| is faulty.  To paraphrase Paul Simon in 
| âThe Boxer,â they see what they want to 
| see and disregard the rest. 



Biden Convenes 'Piracy Summit' That Appears To Be Entirely One-Sided

,----[ Quote ]
| Notice that there aren't any consumer rights
| representatives. No one from technology
| companies. No one representing a viewpoint
| from outside of these industries of how they
| might be abusing claims of "piracy" to prop
| up obsolete business models. Instead, it's
| just the echo chamber. The same folks who
| have been misleading politicians for ages.
| And, of course, whenever you get a summit
| like this, expect some sort of misguided
| "action" to follow. Update: Public Knowledge
| has put out a statement, noting how one-
| sided this gathering is, and questioning why
| politicians are attending what appears to be
| an industry gathering on how to prop up a
| business model. Update 2: In the press
| release (pdf) about this, Biden's office has
| the gall to claim this "will bring together
| all of the stakeholders." Ha! It's 100%
| entertainment industry interests. No tech.
| No consumer advocates. No ISPs. This is a
| complete joke. Update 3: This just gets more
| and more ridiculous. Reporter Ryan Reilly
| was covering the "summit," posting the
| seating chart and quoting Biden as saying
| that "piracy" is "flat unadulterated theft"
| but it looks like Reilly has now been kicked
| out of the summit. Openness and transparency
| apparently doesn't apply when it involves
| propping up one small industry's obsolete
| business model.

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