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[News] Apple Sued for Patent Infringement Again

  • Subject: [News] Apple Sued for Patent Infringement Again
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 05 Jan 2010 16:25:36 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Nokia sues Apple (again)

,----[ Quote ]
| Nokia has beefed up its legal challenge to 
| Apple, filing a second patent-infringement 
| lawsuit against Cupertino in US District 
| Court in Delaware. This time around, the 
| Finnish outfit says that Apple stole 
| patents that make Nokia unique, including 
| patents for a camera phone and a touch-
| screen display.



Nokia jacks up Apple patent complaint

,----[ Quote ]
| Nokia has upped the ante in its patent-
| infringement battle against Apple by extending
| its accusations to cover "virtually all of
| [Apple's] mobile phones, portable music players,
| and computers," according to a statement by the
| fiesty Finns.


Nokia says most Apple products violate its patents

,----[ Quote ]
| Nokia has ramped up its legal fight against
| Apple, arguing that almost all of its products
| infringe Nokia patents.


Nokia Files ITC Patent Complaint Against Apple


Nokia sues Apple

,----[ Quote ]
| NOKIA HAS called down upon itself the wrath
| of Steve Jobs by daring to sue the glorious
| Iphone religion.
| Nokia dares to suggest that Apple's Iphone
| technology did not spring virgin from the
| brow of St Steve of Cappuccino but actually
| had been previously patented by Nokia.
| It seems that the Nokian kings of Espoo
| claim that the Iphone infringes Nokia's
| patents for GSM, UMTS and wireless LAN
| (WLAN) standards.


Nokia suing Apple over the iPhone

,----[ Quote ]
| Nokia, the world's biggest mobile phone
| maker, has said that it is suing its US
| rival Apple for infringing patents on mobile
| phone technology for the iPhone.


Symbian kernel goes open sauce


Symbian Releases Microkernel As Open Source, Finally


Symbian kernel finds freedom ahead of schedule


Nokia sues Apple over iPhone

,----[ Quote ]
| It claimed all Apple's iPhone models shipped
| since the Cupertino-based firm debuted its
| popular device in 2007 infringed the
| patents.


Nokia Getting Killed In The Smartphone Market... So Of Course It Sues For Patent Infringement


Nokia Files Patent Lawsuit Against Apple


Apple patents advertising based variation of OS X

,----[ Quote ]
| Of course, you canât beat free.
| Surprisingly, that might be the next step
| Apple is considering for its venerable OS X
| series of operating systems. According to a
| recent patent application, Apple have
| applied to be recognized as the creators of
| âAdvertisement in Operating Systemsâ
| attributed to the technologyâs inventor,
| Steve Jobs.


Beta days for Qt developers

,----[ Quote ]
| The Qt development team is using the Qt Developer
| Days conference currently taking place in Munich,
| to release a number of products developed under the
| Qt brand.


How Nokia Learned to Love Openness

,----[ Quote ]
| Another reason the geeks in the crowd were
| getting so excited was that the keynote was
| given by Matthias Ettrich, who occupies an
| important place in the free software
| pantheon, since he started and led the KDE
| project in the beginning. When I
| interviewed him nearly ten years ago, he
| told me how the name came about.
| He said he wanted to create a Linux Desktop
| Environment (LDE) without calling it that;
| he couldn't call it MDE, since that would
| look like Matthias' Desktop Environment, so
| he choose the suitably neutral K Desktop
| Environment.


Nokia Sponsors KOffice Development for Mobile Device

,----[ Quote ]
| At the Maemo Conference in Amsterdam Suresh
| Chande announced that Nokia has contracted
| KO GmbH to  write a mobile office viewer
| using the KOffice libraries. The
| presentation by Suresh was given with the
| Nokia N900 smartphone, using the new Office
| Viewer.

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