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[News] GNOME Desktop Gets Big Gift, Collaborates/Concurs with FSF

  • Subject: [News] GNOME Desktop Gets Big Gift, Collaborates/Concurs with FSF
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 07 Jan 2010 14:40:21 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

GNOME got an Amazing Christmas Present!

,----[ Quote ]
| Just in time for the holidays, GNOME 
| received an awesome surprise!
| While many people probably listed computers 
| in their letter to Santa, I bet not many of 
| them got one like this.


GNOME and FSF highlight women in free software

,----[ Quote ]
| GNOME's Summer outreach program and FSF's 
| LibrePlanet conference highlight women's 
| participation in free software
| Today, the FSF announced the dates for the 
| 2010 LibrePlanet event, a conference for 
| the free software community that expresses 
| a vision for solidarity amongst developers, 
| activists and users who are working towards 
| the shared goal of a fully free software 
| world--a world without reliance on 
| proprietary software. 


InformationWeek on RMS

,----[ Quote ]
| Compare this gentlemanâs reflection and 
| consideration of RMSâ points with the 
| enthusiastic ignorance we saw earlier on 
| the very same point. 
| Examples like this are exactly why I have 
| come to the conclusion that the noisy 
| people that disagree with RMS (and, by 
| extension, the âFree Softwareâ concept) 
| fall into one of two camps: ignorant or 
| malicious.


5 Fresh Gnome GTK Themes To Start 2010 With A New Look



Corporate Funding FSF vs GNOME

,----[ Quote ]
| First of all I donât believe there is anything
| wrong with accepting corporate funding. The
| issue at hand is that corporate funding
| shouldnât dictate or suggest the direction of
| an organization.
| The FSF has three tiers of funding each
| receiving the same benefits. The only
| difference is that each tier is represented on
| the Patron List in groups. The first tier is
| $30,000. The Second tier is $25,000 and Under.
| The Third tier is $15,000 and Under. You can
| see who contributes the most as they are listed
| first.


Mono claims unequivically refuted

,----[ Quote ]
| GreyGeek on the Kubuntu Forums has written
| up an excellent point by point rebuttal to
| a lot of common Mono claims. There is a
| growing discussion about this hot topic on
| the forums as well (linked below). Are
| Microsoft Astroturfers everywhere? Or is
| this love for Microsoft blind?


GNOME and the GNU Project

,----[ Quote ]
| Do you remember the last controversy
| around Richard Stallman and Mono? Well,
| surprise surprise: the players are same!
| Imagine that! Quite the coincidence.
| It just so happens that the person calling
| for the vote is the same person that
| created the whole âI am not afraid of
| people writing codeâ slur-meme.
| It just so happens that the person
| seconding the call for the vote is the
| same person that crafted âopen lettersâ,
| published private correspondance and
| called for Stallman to be banned from
| speaking at future conferences.
| (The irony of calling for someone to be
| banned from speaking while later
| pretending outrage at that same person for
| calling into question how appropriate some
| topics are is quite delicious.)
| Again, read the posts to the mailing list
| and on the blogs. Stallman is calm and
| composed while being called a âfascistic
| extremistâ, and subjected to push polling.
| His critics as usual are condescending,
| twist his words, and resort to childish
| rhetoric at every opportunity.
| The beauty of the mailing list is that it
| is all laid out there for anyone to see.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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