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[News] More Android (Linux) Phones and Supporters Emerge

  • Subject: [News] More Android (Linux) Phones and Supporters Emerge
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 10 Jan 2010 10:55:31 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Android Unleashed

,----[ Quote ]
| Vizzeco (nee Koolu) a company that I work 
| for, even invested their resources in 
| porting Android to the Openmoko "FreeRunner" 
| phone in an attempt to have the best of both 
| worlds. Vizzeco wanted Android and the 
| "openness" of being able to change Android 
| to meet our (and our VAR's) needs while 
| maintaining application compatibility. 
| Unfortunately while the FreeRunner served as 
| a good platform for prototyping mobile phone 
| operating systems, there were limitations to 
| its manufacturing capacity which limited the 
| usefulness to Vizzecos' business. 


400,000 Motorola Backflip Android phones ordered by AT&T?

,----[ Quote ]
| Although itâs the last major US carrier to 
| launch Android phones, AT&T seems to be 
| betting heavily on Googleâs open source 
| mobile platform.
| According to Eldar Murtazin (who is, most of 
| the time, right), AT&T has ordered 400,000 
| Motorola Backflip handsets, and it might 
| even order more â which means that the 
| carrier is hoping to sell them like hot 
| cakes.


The Backflip: Motorola's Innovative Android Phone

,----[ Quote ]
| The Backflip will try to surpass or at least 
| equal the success of Cliq (Dext) and Droid 
| with its own good looks and innovative 
| features. The two previously released 
| Android smatphones have really revitalized 
| Motorola's struggling handset business and 
| they hope that Backflip will ride the 
| momentum.
| [...]
| Motorola hasnât announced the price and 
| availability of the Backflip just yet. But 
| there are reports that it would cost the 
| same as Cliq and it will be available to 
| consumers this first quarter of 2010.



Android devices conquer CES

,----[ Quote ]
| It appears Android-equipped devices are
| enjoying a coming out party at this week's
| Consumer Electronics Show. Major hardware
| manufacturers, including Dell, HTC, MIPS
| Technologies and Motorola, have announced
| plans to launch consumer products,
| including smartphones and TV set top boxes,
| which feature the Android mobile operating
| system.


CES 2010: First Android Set-top Boxes

,----[ Quote ]
| We are already aware that Android is likely
| to enter our home as the back-end software
| running our appliances but it would be more
| interesting to see the development of
| Android on MIPS as it would let Android
| drives more âhome entertainmentâ
| appliances.


Motorola's latest Android 'andset demo'd


Google open-source boss comes clean on Android

,----[ Quote ]
| Google open source guru Chris DiBona has
| acknowledged that the company's
| freewheeling approach to building a mobile
| operating system can cause a few headaches
| for developers, with unfamiliar versions of
| its Android OS appearing on new phones with
| little warning. But, he says, that's not
| developers' main concern - nor Google's.


Philip K. Dick Estate Sends Google Cease And Desist Over Nexus One Name

,----[ Quote ]
| I'm trying to figure out just what
| "principle" that might be, because there
| doesn't seem to be any legal principle.
| It's hard to argue that there's any moral
| principle either, since "nexus" is a word
| that's been around since well before Philip
| K. Dick used it. In fact, the only matter
| of principle I can think of is the one
| where someone demands money for something
| where they clearly have no right to it and
| have done nothing to deserve it. Like
| demanding a big company pay up because it
| has a product named sorta similar to
| something your dad wrote decades ago.


Leave Virginia Alone: On Open-source and Proprietary Threats

,----[ Quote ]
| Even Googleâs involvement with its own
| open-source Android operating system could
| inhibit free development around it going
| forward. For Google, one of the big
| benefits that all Android phones bring is
| steering users into the companyâs lucrative
| search-and-ad ecosystem. With the release
| of todayâs Nexus One Android-based phone â
| which takes the companyâs commercial stake
| in Android handsets to two (Droid being the
| first) â could Android itself be
| increasingly influenced by Googleâs
| proprietary interests? Just as Microsoft
| leverages Windows for the benefit of its
| own applications, Google could do the same
| with Android. The Open Android Alliance is
| already developing versions of Android
| devoid of Google applications due to these
| types of concerns.


Dell Picks AT&T for Android Smartphone

,----[ Quote ]
| Dell today announced it has chosen AT&T as
| its exclusive U.S. carrier for its upcoming
| lineup of Android-based smartphones, known
| as the Mini 3. Dell has already chosen
| China Mobile, Vodafone and Claro Brazil as
| partners outside the U.S.


OnStar and Chevy Gives Android Users Mobile Control of Volt

,----[ Quote ]
| One of the cooler software announcements to
| already come out of CES 2010 is from Chevy
| and OnStar regarding the upcoming 2011
| Chevy Volt, their all electric vehicle.
| The new Android-based application gives
| Volt owners added control over their
| vehicles with options like monitoring
| charging status, unlocking doors, and more.
| There have been rumors for some time that
| these types of applications would be coming
| but now those rumors have been confirmed
| with their unveiling at CES 2010.



CES 2009 - Followup

,----[ Quote ]
| Of the many interesting companies I found who were showcasing Linux powered
| equipment, iRiver was one of the most surprising.  They were exhibiting at
| CES presenting their new Wave Home device, an LCD video phone system designed
| to do more than just be a video phone.  You can send SMS messages, do Video
| conferencing, build contact lists, leave notes, schedule events, run widgets
| to check the weather, browse the web, locate information, watch movies, view
| photos, and even do either Internet Radio or FM radio.  And all of this done
| through an embedded Linux OS.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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