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Re: [News] Free/Libre CMS Software Success Stories, New Releases

Hash: SHA1

____/ Terry Porter on Sunday 10 Jan 2010 12:27 : \____

> On Sun, 10 Jan 2010 11:14:45 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> VT4 using Drupal
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Flemish commercial television channel VT4 is | using Drupal on
>> http://www.vt4.be. VT4 is | part of ProSiebenSat.1 Media, the second- |
>> largest broadcasting group in Europe. Cool! `----
>> http://buytaert.net/vt4-using-drupal
> I think Drupal is outstanding.
> I've just installed drupal on this Gnu/Linux Mint 8 desktop using the
> following command:-
> "Apt-get install apache2 php5 drupal6"
> The install process asked a few basic questions and when finished all I
> had to do was browse to ""; and up popped Drupal,
> waiting to be customised.
> For those Windows users reading, the single root command above fetched
> the apps over the Internet and installed them, all automatically.

So, did you reboot? How many times? Did you put in all the licence keys? Where
did you download the software? How do you know it's not virus-laden? How
will you keep all this software up to date? What if you decide to run it on 5
machines when the load increases? What if there is a serious bug in it that the
Godly developers won't fix? And most importantly, as your neighbour, can I
please have a copy? It costs nothing to make a copy and you get to keep yours.
In fact, I'll share my improvements with you, so it works better for both of us.

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

C treats you like a consenting adult. Pascal treats you like a naughty
child. Ada treats you like a criminal. -- Bruce Powel Douglass
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