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[News] New Paper on Free Software Economics, from Professor Riehle; New 451 Group Audiocast

  • Subject: [News] New Paper on Free Software Economics, from Professor Riehle; New 451 Group Audiocast
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 04:19:55 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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The Economic Case for Open Source Foundations

,----[ Quote ]
| Every softÂware develÂopÂment firm today should ask which open source founÂdaÂtion 
| to supÂport or, if necÂesÂsary, to found. The benÂeÂfits are clear: Done right, the
| firm can expect cost savÂings, increased profÂits per sale, a higher numÂber of 
| sales, and a larger addressable marÂket. The quesÂtion then becomes one of 
| investÂment: How much to invest and what return to expect. At present, we 
| lack ecoÂnomic modÂels and deciÂsion processes to answer these questions.


CAOS Theory Podcast 2010.01.08

,----[ Quote ]
| Topics for this podcast:
| *Google and the meaning of open
| *Nexus One smartphone and impact
| *JetBrains sets mind, strategy on open source
| *Linux in 2010 and beyond



Three Economic Nobel Laureates In A Row Recognizing Power Of Infinite Goods

,----[ Quote ]
| With the Nobel Prize in Economics being awarded to
| Elinor Ostrom (as well as Oliver Williamson) this
| year, plenty of people are noting that Ostrom's
| seminal work has to do with how the concept of
| "the tragedy of the commons" isn't really true in
| many cases, and how that "commons" can often self-
| regulate itself. And, Ostrom definitely recognizes
| how this applies to the "commons" that is the
| public domain. I didn't want to comment right away
| on this. While I've read Ostrom's work in the
| past, I wanted to revisit some of it, to refresh
| myself on it.


I never won a Nobel Peace Prize.

,----[ Quote ]
| I woke up on the morning of October 9th to
| find that President Obama had won the Nobel
| Peace Prize.
| There was a lot of discussion about whether
| President Obama had "earned" the honor or
| not, and a lot of discussion about how the
| Nobel Peace Prize is not always for what
| you have done, but encouraging you to keep
| going in what you are doing.
| As I read his acceptance speech, I thought
| about Free and Open Source Software, and
| applied parts of his speech to my favorite
| subject.
| "Let me be clear, I do not view it as a
| recognition of my own accomplishments"
| A lot of people have said to me, "Thank you
| for what you do for Free Software". I tell
| them that I was someone who was in a
| particular place at a particular time. I
| did what I thought needed doing, and what I
| had skills to do.

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