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[News] [Rival] Bing is a Chinese Disease, Literally

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Bing is a Chinese Disease, Literally
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 04:47:21 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Clearly Microsoft didnât do their homework regarding Bing

,----[ Quote ]
| Clearly, without a doubt Microsoft didnât do 
| their homework regarding Bing.   When fortune 
| cookies say âlearn Chineseâ and calls your 
| search engine a disease it raises all sorts of 
| red flags.
| Anyone speak Chinese?  Is this accurate or 
| just some funny prank.   Does the word âbingâ 
| mean Disease?   If it is,  itâs classic.   
| Goes along the lines of the worst possible 
| names for companies.



Boycott Microsoft Bing

,----[ Quote ]
| If you search a term on Bing that is
| politically sensitive in China, in English
| the results are legitimate. Search
| âTiananmenâ and youâll find out about the
| army firing on pro-democracy protesters in
| 1989. Search Dalai Lama, Falun Gong and you
| also get credible results. Conduct the
| search in complex Chinese characters (the
| kind used in Taiwan and Hong Kong) and on
| the whole you still get authentic results.
| But conduct the search with the simplified
| characters used in mainland China, then you
| get sanitized pro-Communist results. This is
| especially true of image searches. Magic! No
| Tiananmen Square massacre. The Dalai Lama
| becomes an oppressor. Falun Gong believers
| are villains, not victims.


NYT's Kristof: Boycott Bing

,----[ Quote ]
| Kristof's objection, outlined in a blog post
| this afternoon, centers around his
| observation that searches conducted using
| simplified Chinese characters in Bing return
| "sanitized pro-Communist results" not just
| in China but around the world. He questions
| Microsoft's claim that the results are
| determined by search algorithms, not its
| corporate policy. Here's an excerpt from his
| post.


Bing Search Tainted by Pro-Microsoft Results

,----[ Quote ]
| The first of the search results about the Microsoft Word question linked to a
| page about how expensive Manhattan is (Is Microsoft competing with Manhattan
| now?). The top responses to the "Is Microsoft Evil?" question were, get this,
| a link to a New York Times story about whether or not Google is considered
| evil, a link about proxy servers, and a link to a story about Microsoft being
| charitable. Wow.


Bing search site suffers outage

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has apologised for a brief outage
| which saw its search site Bing disappear from
| the internet.
| The outage lasted for nearly 30 minutes
| between in the early hours of 3 December. At
| that time anyone visiting the site got an
| error message.

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