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Re: Microsoft predicts Linux will fail mobile 'quality' test

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____/ Mark Kent on Thursday 14 Jan 2010 17:33 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> ____/ Terry Porter on Thursday 14 Jan 2010 02:05 : \____
>>> On Wed, 13 Jan 2010 17:50:05 -0800, nessuno wrote:
>>>> <Quote>
>>>> Linux is shaping up as Microsoft's target in a potential war of
>>>> attrition to gain lost market share for Windows Mobile in handsets....
>>>> The president of Microsoft's entertainment and devices division Robbie
>>>> Bach, who presided over last year's drop in Windows Mobile's market
>>>> share, said Linux will fall below the quality bar needed to succeed in
>>>> mobile handsets....
>>> Past and present Android sales put the gun to the head of Robbie Bachs
>>> statement.
>>> Microsoft are just full of loaded emotive phrases with no real world
>>> substance.
>>> 'Quality bar' indeed.
>>> Linux is already way above the 'quality bar' for hundreds of millions of
>>> embedded devices sold every year, and mobile phones are no different.
>>> Linux is also above the 'cost bar', 'developer bar', 'openness bar', and
>>> 'bleeding edge bar'.
>> Google could not achieve this so quickly without Linux (peer production).
> It provides a rapid way into the computing marketplace for anyone.  The
> only real barrier now is the network effect and Microsoft's
> exit-barriers.

Motorola has just spent $100ml marketing Linux under the "Droid" name.

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

Everyone gives lip service to that 7 layer model but that fact is that the
only thing that has ever been truly OSI 7 layer compliant is the
Taco Bell 7 Layer Burrito. -- Kent "Dogman" Dahlgren
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