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[News] Jordan Marches Towards Free Software

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Jordan to Become the Open Source Hub of the Middle East
,----[ Quote ]
| The Jordanian Government announced the 
| first ever agreement between an 
| international company and a government to 
| promote open source adoption.
| Jordan's Ministry of Information and 
| Communication Technology and Ingres 
| Corporation have entered into a memorandum 
| of understanding (MOU) to achieve the 
| widespread use of information technology 
| and communication, particularly open source 
| technology from Ingres, throughout the 
| local software infrastructure in the 
| country.


Bringing contestability back to the public sector desktop

,----[ Quote ]
| For the last few months, the Open Source 
| Society has been facilitating a project called 
| the Public Sector Remix. This involves a 
| number of public sector agencies investigating 
| use of a free software stack on the desktop 
| and understanding the barriers preventing its 
| more widespread adoption. As the project has 
| run out of money, my involvement is at an end, 
| so it's a good time to reflect on what the 
| project has achieved so far.



Jordan: The Open Source Hub Of The Middle East

,----[ Quote ]
| Ingres and the Ministry of Information and
| Communications Technology of Jordan (MOICT)
| have entered into a memorandum of
| understanding (MOU) to achieve the widespread
| use of information technology and
| communication, particularly open source
| technology from Ingres, throughout the local
| software infrastructure in Jordan.
| As part of the MOU, Ingres will promote
| Jordan as a hub for the open source
| technology in the region; organize "boot
| camps" to address technical requirements for
| the community; offer free training to certify
| individuals from the IT industry; arrange
| executive calls to assist MOICT in
| understanding the world-wide open source
| market; provide software and support for a
| laboratory in one of Jordan's leading
| universities; train a group of specialists to
| implement a specific government service
| project and support MOICT initiatives to
| promote open source through workshops,
| academic initiatives, and local partner
| support.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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