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[News] A Look at Fedora 13 Features, Plans for Fedora 14

  • Subject: [News] A Look at Fedora 13 Features, Plans for Fedora 14
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2010 11:34:39 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Fedora 13 Gains Features, Progresses

,----[ Quote ]
| The current Fedora 13 feature list with 
| detailed explanations and status information 
| is available from the Fedora Project Wiki. 
| Yesterday we also delivered the first Fedora 
| 13 benchmarks from a nightly build. The final 
| release of Fedora 13 is expected in May while 
| the first Alpha release is expected to arrive 
| in early March.


fedora-release-rawhide coming to a rawhide near you soon

,----[ Quote ]
| Overall I think this is a good thing for our 
| users and hopefully wonât inconvenience our 
| rawhide folks too much.



Distro Review: Fedora 12


Between Fedora 12 and 13

,----[ Quote ]
| So what comes next? Fedora 13 is tentatively
| scheduled for release on May 11, 2010. The
| proposed feature list for this release is just
| beginning to come together, and some possible
| features (such as Btrfs-based rollbacks) do not
| yet appear there. Unsurprisingly, improvements
| to the Nouveau and Radeon graphics drivers are
| on the list. Better online telephony support is
| a possibility for F13 as well.


[Fedora] The move to git

,----[ Quote ]
| The time has come to bite the bullet and move
| Fedora's package source control on from CVS.
| CVS has done is well, and although it is a
| decaying source control, it handled our needs
| rather well for many years. However nothing is
| a constant, and over time more and more cracks
| have shown up in our source control. The time
| to move on is now, and I feel pretty confident
| in the plan we are exploring.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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