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[News] Free Software Grows in Healthcare

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Ontario Hospital Association and Open Source Order Sets Partner to Improve Patient Safety and Quality in Ontario Hospitals

,----[ Quote ]
| The Ontario Hospital Association (OHA) and 
| Open Source Order Sets (OSOS) are pleased 
| to announce a new partnership that could 
| help improve patient safety and quality in 
| health care for Ontarians. 


Misys Open Source Solutions (âMOSSâ) Demonstrates Leadership -- Successfully Tests the Worldâs First Fully Open Source, Standards-Based Health Information Exchange (HIE) Software Solution Platform


Open-Source Community Gears Up for 'Meaningful Use' Rules

,----[ Quote ]
| This week, experts convened at the 
| WorldVistA Community Meeting to discuss 
| strategies for aligning open-source health 
| IT systems with federal regulations on the 
| certification and "meaningful use" of 
| electronic health records, Modern 
| Healthcare reports.


Which VistA


DSS Announces Availability of vxVistA Open Source EHR



How software companies could screw up Obamaâs health care reform.

,----[ Quote ]
| Things did not go so smoothly at Childrenâs
| Hospital of Pittsburgh, which installed a
| computerized health system in 2002. Rather
| than a godsend, the new system turned out to
| be a disaster, largely because it made it
| harder for the doctors and nurses to do
| their jobs in emergency situations. The
| computer interface, for example, forced
| doctors to click a mouse ten times to make a
| simple order...
| Why did similar attempts to bring health
| care into the twenty-first century lead to
| triumph at Midland but tragedy at
| Childrenâs? While many factors were no doubt
| at work, among the most crucial was a
| difference in the software installed by the
| two institutions. The system that Midland
| adopted is based on software originally
| written by doctors for doctors at the
| Veterans Health Administration, and it is
| whatâs called "open source," meaning the
| code can be read and modified by anyone and
| is freely available in the public domain
| rather than copyrighted by a corporation.


NHIN Connect Project Freedom Award Acceptance Letter

,----[ Quote ]
| On behalf of the entire Federal Health
| Architecture and the CONNECT Open Source
| Community, it is my pleasure to accept the
| 2009 Linux Medical News Freedom Award.


California hospital to roll out OpenVista by year's end

,----[ Quote ]
| Hensler said OpenVista's comparatively low
| cost and speed of implementation cinched the
| deal with Carlsbad, Calif.-based MedSphere,
| which developed OpenVista for commercial use
| from the VistA system developed by the
| Department of Veterans Affairs. The pre-
| built OpenVista system will enable Kern
| officials to use the solution from day one
| and customize and enhance it over time to
| specific hospital needs, Hensler said.


HIE Firm Opens Platform to Developers

,----[ Quote ]
| The Salt Lake City-based vendor is not

| placing its source code on the open source
| market, Kipp Lassetter, M.D., chair and CEO
| emphasizes. "It's not a first step toward
| moving to open source, but definitely
| defining the system as an open system."


Health IT cited as evidence for importance of new open government directive

,----[ Quote ]
| OMB also highlighted the a programming
| âcode-a-thonâ sponsored by HHS in August to
| bring together public and private open
| source developers to improve the agencyâs
| âConnectâ healthcare Internet gateway
| project and broaden its use. The software,
| developed by a group of federal agencies,
| enables organizations to exchange health
| data according to standards established for
| the nationwide health information network
| (NHIN).

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