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[News] Censorship and Civil Rights Doublespeak in Australia and the US

  • Subject: [News] Censorship and Civil Rights Doublespeak in Australia and the US
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2010 11:06:11 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Lundy plays good cop to Conroy's bad cop

,----[ Quote ]
| Last week at the annual Australian national 
| Linux conference in New Zealand, Waugh, a 
| former self-styled open source advocate, was 
| using loads of  tired bizspeak to promote 
| the so-called open government policy  - but 
| she avoided saying anything about the 
| filter. When someone dd try to engage her on 
| the subject, she did a deft sidestep.
| Meanwhile, yesterday, at the closing 
| ceremony of the same conference, the other 
| half of the family, Jeff, was urging people 
| to black out their avatars on their social 
| networking sites to protest against the 
| policy.


Internet Freedom

,----[ Quote ]
| The prepared text of U.S. of Secretary of 
| State Hillary Rodham Clinton's speech, 
| delivered at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. 
| [...]
| But it's also the smart thing to do. By 
| advancing this agenda, we align our 
| principles, our economic goals, and our 
| strategic priorities. We need to create a 
| world in which access to networks and 
| information brings people closer together, 
| and expands our definition of community.
| Given the magnitude of the challenges we're 
| facing, we need people around the world to 
| pool their knowledge and creativity to help 
| rebuild the global economy, protect our 
| environment, defeat violent extremism, and 
| build a future in which every human being 
| can realize their God-given potential. 



Clinton praised for Internet freedom speech

,----[ Quote ]
| Clinton's announcement that fighting
| Internet censorship would be a top priority
| for the Department of State is welcome news
| for dissidents in Iran, said Ashraf, co-
| founder of AccessNow.org, a group focused
| on providing Internet tools allowing
| freedom of expression.

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