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[News] Microsoft's Latst Patent Attacks on Competitors, Patent Trolls Galore

  • Subject: [News] Microsoft's Latst Patent Attacks on Competitors, Patent Trolls Galore
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2010 11:08:44 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Microsoft sues TiVo...but not over Linux. Surprise!

,----[ Quote ]
| At least, one hopes so. As Red Hat 
| evangelist Jan Wildeboer suggests,
|     The 6,008,803 patent...looks very broad. 
|     Might affect all kinds of media center 
|     [software]. So also Linux apps. The real 
|     question is, "Which Linux media center 
|     app infringes on Tivo patents?


Patent Litigation Weekly: Shutter Closing on Massive Photo-Sharing Patent Suit

,----[ Quote ]
| McKool's promotional material doesnât 
| emphasize its work for FotoMedia, a patent-
| holding company whose only apparent business 
| is filing infringement lawsuits. As part of 
| its litigation campaign, FotoMedia has been 
| demanding royalty payments from more than 60 
| companies with photo-sharing websites. The 
| McKool lawyer in charge of the FotoMedia 
| cases was not available for interviews on 
| Friday, and FotoMedia has not responded to 
| TPA interview requests in the past. 
| FotoMedia is also represented by Ward & 
| Olivo, a firm out of New York that 
| frequently represents patent-holding 
| companies.
| [...]
| FotoMedia is a patent-holding company that 
| claims just about every photo-sharing 
| website you can imagine infringes its three 
| patents. Its lawsuits, covered by TPA last 
| May and June, are notable not just for the 
| audacity of the claims they make, but also 
| because they target dozens of small- and 
| medium-sized software companies that provide 
| various types of photo-sharing services over 
| the Internet. 



LCA 2010: Keeping patent trolls at bay

,----[ Quote ]
| Free software is likely to come under
| increasing attack from patent holders in
| the years ahead and therefore developers
| themselves need to understand the basics of
| patents, free software luminary Andrew
| Tridgell said today.
| Delivering a talk titled "Patent defense
| for FOSS developers" at the 11th Australian
| national Linux conference in Wellington,
| Tridgell, who is best known for creating
| Samba and rsync, provided a walkthrough of
| some basics which needed to be learnt by
| all developers.


Ballad of the Patent Troll

,----[ Quote ]
| General Patent Corporation may be a dull-
| sounding name, but from the company's
| Wealth of Ideas newsletter comes something
| worth watching and highly thought-provoking
| -- "The Ballad of the Patent Troll" (for
| which, click here).

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