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[News] Linux (Android) Phones Are Going to Rule the Mobile Market

  • Subject: [News] Linux (Android) Phones Are Going to Rule the Mobile Market
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 05:56:21 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Android will soon trail only Symbian, says IDC

,----[ Quote ]
| The firm did not list figures for other 
| OSes, but noted that Android will benefit 
| from "having a growing footprint of handset 
| vendors supporting it." As for Symbian, it 
| will continue to stay strong due to Nokia's 
| strength outside the U.S., says IDC, which 
| made no mention of the impact of Symbian's 
| transition to open source.


Android Tops iPhone In Mobile Trends Report

,----[ Quote ]
| According to the report (which is called 
| BoomBox), Android pulled far ahead of the 
| iPhone in terms of traffic this year.  
| "Visits from users on the Android operating 
| system grew almost 350% from December 2008 
| to December 2009, compared to iPhone visits 
| which grew 170%," it stated.


Motorola opens Android app store in China

,----[ Quote ]
| Motorola has opened a new store for Android 
| applications in China called SHOP4APPS or 
| Zhi-Jian-Yuan, to purchase and download 
| applications designed to customise Android-
| based Motorola phones.
| In addition, the company also introduced a 
| new feature on their Android handsets 
| enabling users to customise their Android 
| devices by selecting their own search 
| provider. Users will be able to select their 
| search experience from a number of providers 
| including Baidu and others, with whom 
| Motorola has signed strategic agreements.


Motorola taps Baidu, others for China search

,----[ Quote ]
| The announcement on Thursday of a 
| partnership with Google's arch-rival Baidu, 
| China's No. 1 search engine, and Motorola's 
| promise of more search deals, follows 
| Google's threat to exit China due to a cyber 
| attack and censorship dispute.


Google Nexus One â 10 ways to pimp your Android phone

,----[ Quote ]
| With the Google Nexus One winging its way 
| over here, and Android phones being perhaps 
| the most customisable smartphones around in 
| all their open-source loveliness, weâve come 
| up with a selection of ways to personalise 
| your Android phone, inside and out. So, 
| letâs get creative and pimp those phones 
| right upâ



Android Grew 350% in 2009

,----[ Quote ]
| While we recently reported that Google's
| Nexus One had a slow start coming out of the
| gate, the Android operating system, which is
| spread across a number of devices, is not
| having the same issues. A report by Myxer, a
| mobile entertainment company with over 30
| million members, says that visits to its
| mobile site by Android users grew 350% in
| 2009, strongly outpacing the iPhone, which
| grew 170% during the same period.

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