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[News] Sup 0.10 is Released, Alfresco Licensing to be LGPL

  • Subject: [News] Sup 0.10 is Released, Alfresco Licensing to be LGPL
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2010 11:23:18 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

[Sup-announce] [ANN] Sup 0.10 released


Alfresco to drop GPL, goes LGPL

,----[ Quote ]
| Alfresco say that the brand is now 
| established and they are ready to move to a 
| more permissive licence. The big difference 
| between the LGPL and GPL is that the LGPL 
| allows proprietary and closed code to be 
| linked to the software. Companies have used 
| the inability of GPL code to be linked to 
| proprietary code as a cornerstone of dual-
| licensing, where they make the code open 
| source, but sell licences to users who wish 
| to integrate it with proprietary components.



Alfresco extends customer support in software upgrade

,----[ Quote ]
| Open source content management company has celebrated doubling its revenue in
| the last financial year by launching a new version of its software.


Content BOM: Going Open for ECM with Alfresco

,----[ Quote ]
| The overlaps between the pigeon holes that we put software in are getting
| more and more common. ECM, Enterprise Content Management, is not something I
| normally cover. Alfresco however provides a Business Operating Platform (BOM)
| for content. In addition it has 2 interesting credentials: firstly it is an
| open source product and secondly the company is led by John Newton, founder
| of Documentum, and John Powell, former COO of Business Objects.


Alfresco provides further proof that open source is mainstream

,----[ Quote ]
| Alfresco has been on a roll lately. Word on the street is that Alfresco just
| nailed another quarter (That's eight straight quarters of growth and hitting
| its plan). This week Alfresco came out with some other cool news that I was
| forced pry out of of Matt Asay, as we both try to not shill for our own
| companies.


Alfresco-Adobe Pact Pushes Open Source Toward the Mainstream

,----[ Quote ]
| The surprise was two-fold, that Adobe felt it was necessary to add content
| management services at all and that it chose open source vendor Alfresco as
| its content management partner.
| [...]
| If the Alfresco-Adobe deal can help push open source further into the
| enterprise mainstream, it will not only be a big deal for Alfresco, but could
| be a big step for other open source vendors as well.


Alfresco's Latest ECM: Prying Open a Sector?

,----[ Quote ]
| John Newton, the chairman and CTO at open source document management firm
| Alfresco, is no stranger to Enterprise Content Management (ECM). You might
| even say he helped put the term on the IT map when he co-founded Documentum,
| the document management company that EMC later bought.
| But that was then. Now, he's all about Alfresco's latest Enterprise 2.2
| product, and is trying to up the ante in a market sector dominated by
| proprietary vendors.


Alfresco's sales up 320 percent, hits 30,000 active deployments

,----[ Quote ]
| Frankly, even Microsoft could use this model - as Marc Fleury pointed out to
| me earlier this week - without skipping a beat. It could adopt Red Hat's
| model tomorrow without sacrificing its billions in profit. If anything, it
| should grow with a model that focuses on widespread, cheap distribution.


Cracking Open the SharePoint Fortress

,----[ Quote ]
| Assuming that I've not missed something here, this new
| Google Sites API seems pretty big to me: it offers a
| Get Out of Jail Free card to businesses that would
| otherwise find some of their content locked away in
| SharePoint. And once that data is liberated, there are
| plenty of open enterprise content management solutions
| out there that would be glad to accommodate it â
| without the lock-in, of course.


US Bank dumps Sharepoint (to spend more time with Lotus)

,----[ Quote ]
| One of the largest banks in the United States will stop writing
| checks for Microsoft Sharepoint and standardize on the IBM Lotus
| platform instead.
| US Bank will begin rolling out IBM's collaboration software, Lotus
| Quickr, and social computing software, Lotus Connections, for all
| 58,000 employees.

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